Meeting the Parents prt.1

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"I'm excited to meet your parents!...again." Roxie squeaked.

"Yeah well I'm sure they will be thrilled!" Velvet said sarcastically.

"Hey don't take your parents for granted! You guys are lucky to have such rich and somewhat loving parents!" Roxie said.

"Yeah some what loving, emphasis on the some what." Velvet said.

"They did love us before we made one little mistake and got locked up! Now they probably hate us!" Veneer sobbed.

They were driving to the suburbs to get to Velvet and Veneer's parents house. Veneer was driving and swerving all over the place due to his emotional distress.

"Maybe I should drive." Roxie said.

"Roxie you don't even have a license! And if they gave Brook a license, f#cking BROOK, how bad does that make you?" Velvet yelled.

"Brook was dating someone at the DMV." Roxie shrugged.

"Oh that explains a lot." Veneer said. "Still not letting you drive though."

"Why not!?" Roxie whined. "I have my permit!"

"Because we're here!" Veneer motioned to the big house. Roxie gawked at it in awe. "And I don't trust you with my fancy car."

Veneer rang the doorbell nervously. He heard footsteps. It was time.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now