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"Wait what's a troll doing in Mount Rageous?" Asked Roxie.

"Oh my god I swear we run into trolls everywhere we go!" Velvet whined.

"Wait aren't you the girl from vacay island?" Violet said.

"Yeah...really was hoping I wouldn't have to run into you guys..." Poppy said awkwardly.

"If you don't want to run into us don't come here! And aren't you the girl whose boyfriend shot Veneer!" Roxie said angrily.

"She's dating the emo troll who shot me?" Veneer said.

"Is he here I would like to have a word with him." Velvet said crossing her arms as the others nodded.

"Look he's out with his brother right now, we just came here to see Floyd preform in the talent show for the semifinals." Said Poppy.

"Oh that's right he's in the semifinals too! Looks like you have more revenge to get Vel." Said Violet.

"Well don't you worry troll because we are going to beat him! And if you and your little boyfriend try to attack us again I will crush you beneath my heel and grind you to sand. Got it?" Velvet threatened her.

Poppy nervously nodded and slammed the door.

"How does she even reach anything in that house the d#mn door is like seven feet taller than her!" Roxie exclaimed.

"Velvet you're gonna get sent back to Juvie if you crush her!" Veneer said.

"Trolls are pests Veneer. That's what you do with pests." Velvet said. Veneer rolled his eyes.

"You mean trolls are pets!" Brook exclaimed.

"No Brook." Said everyone. Brook crossed her arms and grumbled something under her breath.

Lucy for Velvet she would get her revenge. The day of the semifinals came fast. Pretty soon they were running around getting ready to go on. Backstage was very crowded that day.

"Velvet stop intimidating him!" Roxie shouted as Velvet towered over Floyd.

"He's the competition I'm supposed to intimidate him!" Velvet shouted back.

Roxie lifted Floyd up onto a table.

"umm Roxie I can't get down from here..." Floyd said nervously stepping away from the edge.

"Yeah and you also kidnapped him it's bad press if people think you're going to do it again!" Roxie yelled.

"Also kidnapping is just bad in general Roxie..." said Ash.

"That's not the point here Ash!" Roxie yelled. Velvet rolled her eyes.

"Roxie you think every crime is not that bad you're such an anarchist." Said Ash.

"And?" Roxie retorted.

"Roxie you and Velvet over here the reason we need laws!" Ash said gesturing to Velvet.

"Guys I'm still stuck up here! Hello?" Floyd called out. Velvet made an L with her fingers directed at Floyd.

"I just want arson to be legal is that so wrong?" Roxie complained.

"YES." Said Ash and Floyd.

Ash took Floyd off the table. He smiled at her and then scattered away.

"Hey guys what's going on over here?" Brook asked.

"Roxie is talking about how arson should be legal again and Velvet is intimidating Floyd again." Said Ash crossing her arms.

"Aww you guys are so silly!" Brook said. Roxie smiled and Velvet just gave her a "really?" look.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now