Can We Talk?

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Veneer missed being close to his sister.

Velvet had stopped blaming him for everything as  and found a scapegoat in Crimp, thanks to Roxie's theory. She even stood up for him today.

Veneer had decided they would sit down and actually talk about what happened. That's the only way they could really be close again.

They went back to their cells after a long day. Velvet climbed into her bed on the top bunk (which she insisted on having).

Veneer climbed into his bed and curled up in the uncomfortable blanket on the rock hard mattress. "Hey Vel?" Veneer said looking up at her bed frame.

"WHAT." She grumbled.

"Can we talk know, everything that happened?" He asked her. Velvet sighed and Veneer heard her shift around.

"It's late Veneer let's just get some rest." She shifted around again.

"Ok. Can we talk tomorrow?" Veneer asked.

"Fine! just shut up." Velvet snapped back at him.

Veneer was glad they at least had a set time now. He tried to fall asleep in the uncomfortable atmosphere of Juvie.


It was the next day and Velvet continued to brush off  Veneer's attempts to talk to her. In the morning when they first woke up, he tried to speak to her but she instantly waltzed out of the cell.

On the way to breakfast when he tried to get a word in she glared at him. For some reason she was in an especially bad mood.

Roxie waved them over. A guard had given her a box of donuts and she was fending off other prisoners like they were crows trying to steal scraps.

Excited to finally have some good food Velvet and Veneer ran over to her. Veneer wanted to talk to Velvet one on one so he decided to let the subject drop for now.

"Veneer when I saw that red nail polish all over you yesterday I thought you were bleeding and I got really scared for a second." Roxie was yapping as usual.

"Are you an idiot." Velvet responded.

"Maybe." Roxie smiled at her.

"Roxie do you have a job?" Veneer said ignoring Velvet's comment. He realized despite her constant yapping he really knew very little about Roxie.

"I'm a model!" She said enthusiastically.

They both turned to look at her.

"Really?" Velvet asked with an unimpressed expression.

"Yeah! I'm an amateur model so I haven't been in many shows but my friend's a fashion designer and she got me the job." Roxie explained.

"Oh amateur model that makes more sense." Velvet turned back to her food.

Veneer ate his food as Roxie talked about her modeling career. No matter what he would be talking to Velvet today.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now