Meeting The Parents prt.2

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"Omg my babies you came!" Their mom wrapped them into a hug. Velvet shoved her away.

"Mom meet Roxie." Veneer said. Roxie waved and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh hello there! Veneer is this your girlfriend?" Their mom asked. Veneer let out a single laugh.

After a bit of awkward silence Velvet and Roxie started laughing hysterically. Veneer soon joined in. Their mom really had no clue.

She was very confused.

"Umm ok then...come on in kids." She said once they stopped laughing.

"Woah your old house is so big!" Roxie exclaimed.

"I know right?" Velvet said tossing her hair.

"Even bigger than your house right now! You really are nepo babies!" Roxie said.

"No we're not!" Velvet yelled.

"Yes you-" Roxie started.

"Roxie don't you fight my darling girl!" Their mom said. Velvet rolled her eyes.

"Oh this is like their love language don't worry about it." Veneer said. "Cmon Roxie let us show you around. Dad usually works on holidays so he won't be back for a while."

"Damn working on holidays? That blows." Roxie said. "Sure, show me around."

"Ok so these were our bedrooms!" Veneer showed Roxie's the most fancy bedrooms ever.

"Dang all this for a little kid?" Roxie asked.

"We had taste even as children." Velvet said.

"Yeah expensive taste." Roxie said.

They moved downstairs after Velvet and Veneer put their luggage away. Well Crimp put it away.

"And this is the kitchen." Veneer said.

"Ooo kinda looks like the kitchen at your house!" Roxie said stealing food from the various cabinets.

"Hey kids after you're done showing your freind around maybe we could catch up?" Their mom asked.

"Whatever mom." Velvet said. Their mom walked off sadly.

"Hey your mom is nice! Don't be rude." Roxie said putting her hands on her hips.

"Shut up Roxie you wouldn't get it." Velvet said.

"Oh because I don't have a mom? Is that it?" Roxie said angrily.

"Yeah something like that." Velvet snapped at Roxie.

"Velvet!" Veneer scolded her.

"Whatever. Veneer where will I be staying?" Roxie asked turning her nose up at Velvet.

"Here let me show you to the guest room." Veneer said.

Roxie sat down on the bed as soon as they got there. She sighed.

"Hey did Velvet upset you cuz I can punch her for you." Veneer said.

"Veneer you can't even throw a punch. And no I don't care what she thinks really. It's just you guys are sort of mean to your parents." Roxie said.

"Well maybe they deserve it." Veneer said.

"But maybe they don't."

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