Getting "Jumped"

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It had been a full week in Juvie. Veneer had never planned to be here much longer than 11 hours when he excitedly went off to prison.

Velvet had completely lost it, she started writing tally marks on the walls of their room for each hour. She was still mad of course, but at least she would talk to him. Not about what happened, but it was a start.

Roxie had nearly burnt down the building twice in one week. First she started a fire with chopsticks. The second time she somehow got matches and was playing with them.

Veneer felt like he was babysitting two insane children. He didn't even think that Roxie would still be hanging around them by now. She sort of imprinted on them like a lost dog and Veneer found her entertaining in this otherwise boring place.

The three of them were sitting during yard time as usual. One of Roxie's guard admirers had given her a bottle of red nail polish so they were painting nails.

"Oops." Roxie smeared nail polish all over her finger. "I'm not very good at this am I"

"Here just let me do it for you." Veneer grabbed her wrist and lifted her hand towards him. "Wow you really got it everywhere."

"I'm going to grab some paper towels or something brb!" Roxie got up and got let inside the building to grab paper towels.

Velvet and Veneer continued doing nails until someone stomped over. A tall girl kicked the bottle of nail polish onto Veneer's clothes.

"FRAUDS." She yelled before walking off. Veneer was in shock. Velvet grabbed the tall girl by the collar and pulled her back.

"You got nail polish all over my brother. Clean it up." Velvet said sternly.

"Look the only reason nobody messes with y'all is because you're with Roxie and she gives us stuff. If you think for second we still like you guys you're dead wrong." The tall girl sneered at Velvet.

"Clean it up." Velvet said again with a smug expression.

"Velvet just leave it-" Veneer started. As much as he was upset about getting dirtied he didn't want to mess with the prisoners. Plus she was right, they were frauds.

Velvet looked as if she was gong to back down. She took as step away and so did the inmate. Veneer took a deep sigh of relief.

Then all of a sudden the two lunged at each other. They were tackling each other on the floor. Veneer was in shock, having a physical fight on the dirty floor seemed beneath Velvet.

The guards ran over and pulled the two apart as they tried to break free. Roxie walked out from inside with a bunch of paper towels and looked at the situation in shock.

She winked at the guards and they let Velvet go. She slapped the girl who attacked her across the face.

"I'm not giving you stuff anymore." Roxie said, smugly smiling. She walked over to Veneer and used the paper towels to wipe off the nail polish.

"Forget you Roxie!" Said the tall girls the guards carried her away.

"Thanks boys!" Roxie blew a kiss, and then make a disgusted face at them as soon as they turned around. "Ugh I hate cops."

Velvet slumped against the wall.

"Velvet...thanks for standing up for me." Veneer said.

"I was standing up for US. She called us frauds. Not just you." Velvet said. Veneer smiled at her.

Maybe they were finally starting to make up.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now