Freind Group Lore

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They all decided to go and gossip in Veneer, Velvet and Roxie's room. They crowded on to Velvet's bed much to her dislike.

"So here's the tea about John Dory." Said Violet. "I chatted with Floyd apparently JD and the other brothers straight up abandoned Bitty B as a baby."

"Like just left him on his own?" Asked Brook.

"Well they left him with a grandma but she got eaten I think." Said Violet. "And get this, Floyd was the only one who even said goodbye!"

"Woah what! Ok I hate every Brozone member but Floyd now." Said Roxie.

"I know right!? Like not even a wave goodbye?" Said Violet.

"I mean that is kinda what it's like having adult siblings." Said Kid Ritz.

"I have an adult sibling and she would never abandon me." Said Roxie.

"Roxie that's cause she's pretty much raising you." Said Ash.

"Why is your sister your only family member anyways?" Asked Veneer. "Wait I just realized I don't even know how you all became friends or like anything about your families."

"Oh I guess you two don't know the freind group lore." Roxie said. Veneer leaned in to listen to the lore.

"Ok so my sister moved to Mount Rageous as soon as she turned 13. I think our family was kinda abusive but she doesn't really talk about it and I don't remember anything about them." Roxie yapped.

"Here goes another blabbering sesh..." Veneer whispered to Velvet.

"Oh greaaat." Velvet said sarcastically.

"Then Roxie met me! I have a teen mom so we were like the only kids in Mount Rageous." Said Violet.

"So like when your mom says 'have a good day at school' do you say 'you too mom!'" Said Velvet.

"Yeah pretty much." Said Violet.

"Then they met me in elementary around like 3rd grade." Said Brook.

"Brook met me in 6th grade math and thought I needed friends." Said Ash smiling at Brook. Brook took her hand.

"And they met me at a party and we just kinda..." Said Kid Ritz.

"Clicked." They all said.

"Wow that was extremely boring." Said Veneer.

"Well you're the one who asked about the lore." Said Roxie.

"Thought the lore would have more drama." Said Veneer. Velvet nodded in agreement.

"Well we could get into all my crazy exes but that would take us all night." Said Brook.

"And how many of those exes got their houses burnt down?" Asked Velvet.

"Just the one." Said Roxie. "The others just got their as#es beat."

"Wow we got super off track from Brozone." Said Violet.

"I'm glad we did because I don't care about Brozone. They are literally so boring." Said Velvet.

"Those trolls have so much drama though!" Said Violet resting her head on Velvet's shoulder.

"I don't care they are stupid trolls." Said Velvet. Violet closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

"I think you're boring. You made Violet fall asleep." Whispered Roxie.

"I'll kill youuuuu...." Whispered Velvet, also closing her eyes and resting her head on Violet's.

Veneer noticed himself starting to nod off as well as the rest of the group. Brook and Ash fell asleep sprawled out on the edge of the bed, arms interlocking.

Veneer rested his head on his sister's other shoulder and Kid Ritz started to sleepily scroll instagram next to him.

Roxie rested her head on Veneer's lap and promptly fell asleep.

"How does she fall asleep as soon as she closes her eyes like that?" Asked Kid Ritz.

"No idea." Veneer whispered. "But I'm extremely jealous of her ability to do so."

Kid Ritz laughed.

"I should probably get off my phone and shut up." Said Kid Ritz.

"Yeah probably." Said Veneer.

"Good night Veneer."

"Good night...Kid Rizz."

"Never call me that."

"Now I want to call you that."

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