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"Crimp?!" Veneer said. "What are you doing here?!"

"I uhhh..." Crimp started nervously.

"VELVET!" Roxie called out. Crimp jumped.

"WHAT?!" Velvet yelled back.

"CRIMP IS HERE!" Roxie yelled.

"WHAT!" Velvet screamed and Veneer heard a splash.

"OMG VELVET FELL IN!" He heard Violet scream. As much as he wanted to help his probably electrocuted sister he needed to interrogate Crimp.

"What are you doing here?" Roxie said. "Finally decided to own up to your CRIMES."

"What huh? Umm no I'm just here for my things. I think I left some things in the closet?" Crimp whimpered.

Roxie and Veneer looked at each other.

"Uhh what does that look mean?" Crimp chucked nervously.

"Yeah about your stuff..." Roxie started.

"CRIMP!" Velvet screamed. Her hair was sticking up at its ends but at least she didn't seem too electrocuted.

Crimp whimpered in fear. Velvet grabbed her.

"What are you doing back here? Gonna get us arrested again?" She sneered.

"No I'm just here for my stuff!" Crimp squealed. Velvet laughed.

"Roxie burnt your stuff. I said she could." Velvet motioned to Roxie.

"My bad..." said Roxie.

"What?! Even the ukulele?" Crimp asked.

"Yeah! And we also read your diary!" Velvet screamed. Crimps eyes went small. Velvet still holding onto Crimp walked over to the pool.

"Velvet what are you doing?" Veneer asked her. Velvet flung Crimp into the pool and walked away. The others stood and watched as she flailed around.

"What is that thing?" Said Brook. "A dog?"

"Nah that's a tumbleweed." Said Ash.

"Pretty sure it's a hairball guys." Said Roxie.

"Whatever it is it's drowning!" Said Kid Ritz and he placed Crimp on the pool side.

"Oh it's Crimp." Said Kid Ritz. "What are you doing over here?"

Crimp ran out the front door sobbing.

"Okay...that was weird." Said Brook.

"I kinda feel bad." Said Roxie slumping down.

"Don't." Said Velvet, her hair all fixed. She placed her hand on Roxie's shoulder and shook her around before sitting on a chair near the pool.

"Done with swimming for the day Velvet?" Kid Ritz laughed.

"Shut up." Said Velvet. Kid Ritz shut his mouth and swam off.

"Good thing we ran out of the pool in time to not get electrocuted." Said Brook . "It took me so long to do my hair." Ash nodded.

"Velvet..." Veneer said walking up to her.

"What." Velvet said not looking at him.

"Don't you think that was I bit far? I mean she's not  our assistant anymore I don't think we can do that and I don't want you to get sent back to Juvie." Veneer said.

"Veneer I said I would make her pay and that's what I'm doing. If you have a problem with it good for you." Velvet said.

Veneer slid back into the pool. That was a lot of drama. Little did he know, Velvet wasn't quite finished getting her revenge on Crimp.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now