Hot Take Tuesday

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Velvet and Veneer decided to sing along to songs in the car with their friends and soon realized singing is way more exhausting without troll essence.

"Ow my throat is soreee..." complained Veneer. He placed his head on Kid Ritz's shoulder in exhaustion. Ritz patted his head sympathetically. Velvet gave them a weird look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Veneer asked.

"I'm pretty sure she just realized you're gay." Roxie joked. Veneer rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh no I've always known." Said Velvet. Roxie and Violet burst out laughing.

"You guys laugh like a couple of hyenas." Said Veneer rolling his eyes again. They just laughed harder until they could barely breathe.

"That's what happens when you've been friend's since preschool." Said Kid Ritz. "I wish I stayed that close to my childhood friends."

"I didn't even really have freinds as a child. I mean I played with people but Velvet wasn't all that social and I wanted to stick close to her." Said Veneer.

"Hey I was social!" Said Velvet.

"Velvet you punched a kids tooth out for using the crayon you wanted to use." Veneer said. Roxie and Violet started laughing again. "You hated everyone."

"Well that kid deserved it!" Said Velvet. "And so what if I hated everyone they all sucked."

"You're not wrong." Said Veneer.

"Wait what elementary did y'all go to?" Roxie asked.

"It was a private school." Said Veneer.

"Ah that sounds terrible." Said Violet.

"It kinda was." Said Veneer. "I got bullied a fair bit by this one group of kids."

"Do you know their home addresses?" Said Roxie.

"No why?" Veneer asked.

"No reason just wanted to test out a new lighter I got." Roxie said.

"Roxie I thought your sister threw out your lighter collection when you went to jail for arson. You're starting another one?" Violet asked.

"Roxie had a lighter collection?" Velvet said. "That sounds like a recipe for disaster."

"Yeah it was!" Said Violet.

"Whatever I like fire it's cool. Honestly I think arson should be legal." Said Roxie. Velvet did her shocked face at Roxie.

"That's a crazy take Roxie." Said Ash.

"I mean am I wrong though?" Said Roxie.

"YES!" Said everyone in the car.

"I mean like sometimes it is justified I feel like."
Said Velvet.

"Yeah that's coming from another criminal though." Said Kid Ritz.

"Shut up." Said Velvet. Kid Ritz did as she said.

"Yeah I agree with Velvet, Roxie's arson was justified." Said Brook.

"Ok since we are Roxie's doing hot takes today I have one, I think that Roxie, Velvet and Veneer all shouldn't have gone to prison." Said Violet.

"Go on." Said Velvet, intrigued.

"Roxie was just defending Brook like wouldn't you do the same? It was just a little fire." Said Violet. Roxie nodded.

"And how come the Bergens who actually ate trolls or that rock girl who started a rock apocalypse get to walk free while Velvet and Veneer gotta go to prison!" Said Violet, citing the lore Poppy told her.

"Not you being an apologist." Said Ash.

"I mean like I think the twins actions were wrong of course but was prison really needed?" Said Violet.

"No!" Said Velvet.

"Yes!" Said Ash and Veneer.

"Veneer wtf?!" Said Velvet.

"We deserved it Velvet. Plus we also committed tax fraud which was not even troll related." Veneer said.

"Honestly I think tax fraud should be legal." Said Roxie.

"Yeah!" Said everyone.

"Ok so y'all think tax fraud should be legal but not arson? You're just attacking me at this point." Said Roxie.

"Ok I have a hot take." Said Ash. Everyone leaned in. "As a woman liker myself, Velvet, you like women."

"What no I don't!" Said Velvet.

"Denialllll..." said Roxie.

"Literally what proof do you have?" Said Velvet.

"You are cuddling with Violet last night!" Said Ash. Violet turned away slowly, an awkward look on her face.

"And? Friends can do that." Said Velvet.

"True, but YOU usually don't. I stand by my statement." Said Ash. Velvet muttered something under her breath and slumped down in her seat.

"Guys we're home!" Said Brook as they pulled into Mount Rageous.

"Finally that vacation sucked." Said Velvet. Veneer nodded in agreement.

"Maybe it wouldn't have if you guys didn't kidnap Floyd." Said Roxie.

"But if we didn't I would have never met you!" Said Veneer.

"You're right! I'm glad you guys are criminals!" Roxie said smiling at them.

"Velvet and Veneer we've reached your destination!" Said Ash.

"Bye!" Said Roxie.

"Bye Veneer text me later!" Said Kid Ritz.

"Bye Veneer bye woman liker!" Said Brook.

"I don't- whatever." Said Velvet.

"Denailllll..." Roxie said as they drove off.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now