Apology Video.

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Even though Veneer had apologized to Floyd and Velvet there was still one apology he had left. No not Crimp. The fans.

He had really let them down. Veneer realized that must be why he still felt so terrible. He had to make an apology video for them.

Roxie and Kid Ritz were over at his house that day. Violet was still sick and Brook and Ash went on a date. They were watching a movie together on the couch, Veneer decided to ask for their help.

"Hey guys could I maybe get your help on something?" He asked. They turned to look at him.

"Yeah of course what's up?" Roxie said.

"I feel like I should make an apology video to the fans." Veneer said.

"Oh I know all about apology videos." Roxie got up from her seat.

"Here we go." Said Kid Ritz, pausing the movie.

"Ok first things first you gotta sigh at the beginning of the video. Look like you've been crying." Roxie said.

"Ok...but I don't feel like crying?" Veneer said.

"Ok no problem." Roxie walked into the kitchen and came out with an onion. "Tada!"

"Roxie if I'm apologizing for deceiving the fans maybe I should deceive the fans." Veneer said.

"Oh yeah you're right." Roxie took a bite out the onion and the boys stared at her in horror. "What it's good."

"Maybe you'll start crying later on while filming." Kid Ritz said.

"Yeah but we can't have like ugly crying." Roxie said taking a fat bite out of the onion again.

"Roxie, Veneer is too pretty to ugly cry." Kid Ritz said. Veneer felt his face get red.

"Yeah true. Let just improv it." Roxie said. She set up the camera at the classic apology video angle and pressed record.

Veneer sighed.

"Umm hey Mount Rageons. It's me, Veneer. I uhh just wanted to come on her and apologize for lying and being a fraud. And I'm sorry to all the trolls that got hurt in the process." Veneer nervously fidgeted with his hands.

"I still love you all, and I'm thankful for your support over my time a singer even though I didn't earn or deserve it. I'm going to be working on myself for a while. Uhh yeah I'm really sorry I won't ever lie again. Bye Mount Rageons, I'm sorry for everything. " Veneer stopped the video. 

"Good job Veneer! You did not cry but people get backlash for crying in apologies nowadays." Kid Ritz patted his shoulder.

"Yeah almost all the boxes checked. Great job pookie." Roxie said hugging him tightly.

Kid Ritz unpaused the movie and they all sat back down.

"We still on for a whole group sleepover here tomorrow night?" Kid Ritz asked.

"Yeah for sure!" Veneer smiled. The land line Veneer had in the living room started to ring.

Kid Ritz paused the film again and Veneer picked up the phone.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hi is this Veneer?" Said a voice he didn't recognize.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Great! We are calling to inform you your sister Velvet is being placed on house arrest!" The voice said.

"WHAT?!" Said Veneer, a little louder than he wanted to.

"We are sick of dealing with her she's your problem now. She'll arrive by dinner tomorrow, bye now!" The voice hung up the phone.

Veneer dropped the phone in shock. Velvet was going to be back.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now