Shopping Shenanigans

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Veneer woke up to a cat sitting on his face. He leapt up in shock and the cat fell onto his lap.

"Sorry lil guy you spooked me." Veneer petted the cat and it purred. Roxie yawned and turned to look at him.

"I see you have met Cheeto. She likes you." Roxie said scratching behind Cheeto's ears.

"Maybe I should get a cat since they took away my pet monkey to zoo. But they seem like a lot of work I should just get a fish." Veneer said as the cat rubbed up against him.

"They somehow manage to be both clingy and independent." Kid Ritz said turning around to also pet the cat.

Cheeto got overwhelmed and went to go sit on Brook's face.

"AHH! Cheeto!" Brook said holding Cheeto up by her arms and taking her off her face. "Come on man." She placed Cheeto on her lap and petted her.

Ash turned around to also pet the cat. Soon everyone was awake and petted Cheeto until she got overwhelmed again and left.

They headed downstairs to eat breakfast. They tried to make pancakes but nearly burnt the house down and Moxie had to take over.

As they waited for the fire alarms to stop going off they played Uno and nearly destroyed all their friendships. Veneer only won uno times.

They watched TV and ate together.

"So Veneer." Violet said swallowing some food. "What's it like having Velvet as a sister?"

"Umm..." Veneer hesitated. It was really hard to describe.

"Shes mean in real life. But she's as iconic as her on stage persona." Roxie filled in for Veneer.

"Oh yeah she's mean especially to that assistant of yours. What was its name again? Cringe?" Kid Ritz said waving his fork in the air.

"Yeah Cringe. We both were mean to her but to be fair she's a millennial." Veneer said.

"Yeah true." Said Roxie. Violet nodded in agreement.

"You guys wanna go to Target?" Brook asked.

"You don't even need to ask Brook. Of course we do." Violet said.

There was a Target just near Roxie's house. The teens didn't even get changed out of their pajamas because they were too lazy.

Once they got there, Veneer felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. He hasn't been out in public since the Rage Dome.

"You're worried about the haters aren't you?" Ash said appearing from nowhere.

"AH! I mean- yeah." Veneer jumped.

"Don't worry. Everyone's pretty much moved on by now expect for like troll rights activists. Your songs are probably already getting played on retro nights at clubs." Ash said furiously texting.

Veneer shuddered at the thought of their songs being retro now. Kid Ritz was pushing Roxie around in a cart and they rolled up next to him.

"Veneer get in!" Roxie said and outstretched her hand.

"No I'm not pushing both of you." Said Kid Ritz as Roxie helped Veneer into the cart.

"Push the cart you peasant!" Roxie joked.

"You know who you sound like? Velvet." Veneer said. Kid Ritz and Roxie laughed.

Veneer did too, but then he felt ashamed. Even if Velvet was mean to him was it really ok to make jokes like that? What would Floyd say?

They got pushed around the store first by Kid Ritz, who soon got tired and Roxie agreed to swap with him.

People clearly hadn't forgotten about Veneer like Ash had implied. People were staring at him while the wreaked havoc in the isles.

He tried to ignore them and just have fun. They got lunch at Starbucks, tried on stupid outfits and bought stuff they didn't need.

After a while, Kid Ritz had to go work and Ash had an audition for what she said was a surprise. They all headed back to Roxie's.

She kissed Brook goodbye and got into the drivers seat. Kid Ritz was riding with Ash so he said his goodbyes as well.

He hugged Veneer and Roxie together.

"I'm so glad you guys are out of jail! Veneer you should come to a concert with us tonight!" He said as he started to get in the passenger seat.

"Yeah sounds fun!" Veneer said. Kid Ritz smiled at him.

"See you there Roxie can you tell you where!" Kid Ritz said as Ash zoomed off.

Afterwards everyone went home to get some sleep.

"Bye Veneer see you tonight I'll text you the info!" Roxie hugged him goodbye.

"Bye see you!" Veneer felt an overwhelming excitement. He had friends!

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now