Sleepover 2

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Velvet was very upset that Veneer was having people over. She huffed around the house after waking up from her nap until Roxie arrived.

"VELVET!" She squealed and wrapped her into a hug.

"Oh. Roxie." Velvet brushed her away.

"You're out of prison! We're all out now!" She hugged Velvet and Veneer.

"Yeah well I still have this thing." Velvet lifted up her ankle.

"Oh dang. I can't try and help you get it off." Roxie said.

"Roxie I don't think-" Veneer started but the doorbell interrupted him.

"Hi!" Brook said wrapping Veneer into a hug. Ash waved at him. Brook walked in and gasped when she saw Velvet.

"OMG! Velvet really is your sister! I thought you were lying!" Brook squealed. Ash facepalmed.

"Are you stupid?" Velvet asked her.

"No I'm Brook!" Brook smiled at her. Velvet raised an eyebrow at Brook, then rolled her eyes. Ash facepalmed again.

The doorbell rang again.

"HI!" Kid Ritz said. "Looks like Vi is late again."

"Yup." Said Veneer.

"Oh hey Velvet didn't know that you got out." Kid Ritz said.

"Oh it's you." Velvet grumbled.

"Rude." Said Kid Ritz.

The doorbell ran again.

"WOHOO!" Yelled Violet. "I'm done being sick and I'm ready to part- OMG YOUR VELVET!"

"Who else would I be?" Velvet struck and pose and Roxie rolled her eyes.

"OMG I LITERALLY LOVE YOU!" Violet screamed. Velvet smirked.

"Of course you do." Said Velvet.

"Calm down Vi you're gonna break my eardrums." Said Ash.

"Sorry." Violet sat down next to Velvet nervously.

For the first little bit of the sleepover everyone was asking Velvet questions. Well mostly Violet.

"Velvet who's your favorite artist!" Violet asked.

"Me obviously." Velvet answered.

"Your ego is bigger than your forehead girl." Said Roxie. Velvet whipped around to glare at her.

"It was a joke it was a joke." Roxie said looking terrified. Velvet chased Roxie around the house for a bit before returning without Roxie.

"Velvet what did you do to Roxie?" Veneer asked her.

"I put her in the closet." Velvet said proudly.

"You what?!" Said Ash. They all ran to recuse Roxie. Veneer swung open the closet door to find Roxie strumming a ukulele (badly) with one hand and reading a little book with the other.

"Omg you guys I found some of Crimps stuff and she had a diary! She wrote so much stuff about Velvet and Veneer in here!" Roxie said.

Veneer was shocked Roxie seemed so unbothered about being locked in a closet. Although it was an upgrade from being locked in a cell.

Back in the living room Roxie was reading out the diary entries while Kid Ritz failed to play the ukulele.

"Velvet and Veneer are such brats." Roxie read in a mocking tone of voice. "They think they are soooo great but they are really just talentless hacks!"

Velvet and Veneer stared in shock.

"Oh I can't believe her!" Velvet screamed.

"Can I burn all her stuff!?" Roxie said eyes sparkling.

"Do it" Said Velvet.

They set up a fire outside which Roxie happily lit using Crimps belongings as fuel. Then they all ate s'mores.

"Hey we should swim!" Roxie said staring at their pool.

"Yeah!" Said Veneer.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit." Said Violet sadly.

"You can use one of mine if you want. Not like I can swim with this thing on." Velvet said.

"OMG!" Violet screamed and hugged her.

They swam around for a while and Velvet watched from the sidelines in her swimsuit which was completely dry.

"Velvet I think I have an idea of how you can join us." Roxie got out of the pool and threw a floaty into it. "Get on this and just make sure your foot doesn't touch the water."

"Roxie I think that's the smartest thing you have ever said." Velvet said and climbed onto the float.

"Thanks?" Said Roxie.

"You welcome." Said Velvet.

They swam a bit more and Velvet snapped at them for making her tip over (she wasn't even moving) when the doorbell rang again.

"I'll get it!" Said Roxie.

"Me too since I actually live here." Said Veneer. They both wrapped up into to towels and went to answer the door.

The opened the door and it was...Crimp?!

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