Is She Trollnapping?

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"Velvet...why do you have an empty perfume bottle?" Veneer asked. Velvet just gave him an annoyed look. Veneer realized what was going on.

"You knew Brozone would be here didn't you?" Veneer said.

"What is happening why is the perfume bottle a big deal?" Roxie asked.

Roxie had said earlier that Veneer told her everything, but he hadn't. He would've told her how he kept Floyd in a perfume bottle, but he had this nagging fear that she would realize how horrible he is and then all his freinds would be gone.

So he ignored her question and turned his attention towards his sister.

"Of course I knew I'm not an idiot." Velvet finally said.

"And you brought that perfume bottle because you were planning to..." Veneer started waiting for her to finish his sentence. She didn't.

"I'm just gonna go..." said Violet.

"No don't leave me!" Said Roxie.

"Sorry..." Violet said as she left the room.

"Ok fine I was planing to grab a troll if I had the chance." Velvet admitted.

"Girl- you're gonna get sent back to Juvie!" Said Roxie.

"Yeah Roxie's right come on Velvet what would you even do with troll essence you can't fool people now they would be onto you!" Veneer said.

"Yeah well and whose fault is that?" Asked Velvet. "Look I don't know what I'm supposed to do now that I'm not famous ok?"

Her lip quivered.

"All I can do is get back on top by doing what I did before. That's all I know how to do." Velvet's voice quivered too.

Veneer and Roxie both hugged her and she cried. Honestly Veneer had no idea what to do now that they weren't famous too. He did miss the fame.

"Oh my god I sound pathetic as I did when I had that stupid fever. I hate those dumb trolls!" She sobbed.

Veneer patted her back and squeezed her tight.

"You don't sound pathetic." Roxie said. "And you know I'm brutally honest with you."

Velvet hugged them both and then let them go.

"Juvie was so boring without you guys and your dumb cringe shenanigans." She said. She wiped away her tears and then paused. "Can we forget this ever happened?"

"Yeah." Said Veneer.

"Uh huh." Said Roxie.

"I'm serious Roxie don't tell the others! I'll kill you." Said Velvet.

"Why are you looking at me Veneer's the blabbermouth! He literally confessed your crimes in front of everyone." Roxie said.

"Hey no I'm not!" Said Veneer.

"You both are. Now go to sleep." Said Velvet. She turned away from them.

Veneer and Roxie looked at each other, concerned, and then walked over to their beds.

"You know this is just like Juvie." Said Roxie.

"Roxie shut up." Said Velvet.

"Ok!" Roxie said and promptly fell asleep.

"Velvet promise me you won't try anything. I can't loose my sister again." Veneer said. "I don't want you to get sent back."

Velvet pretended to sleep. Veneer rolled over and tried to sleep. He had faith in Velvet, but he also knew his sister was an opportunist.

But he would soon realize that Velvet was the least of his worries, because Branch was spying on them had overheard everything.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now