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"Violet's not here yet per usual and neither is the pizza so what do you guys wanna do first? Roxie asked.

Everyone kind of sat in awkward silence. Veneer felt bad for making things so awkward.

"Ooo! Let's play Roblox!" Brook chirped up.

"Yeah!" Roxie pumped her fist.

"No that game is so trash." Ash groaned.

"Hey don't diss Roblox." Brook pulled out an i-pad.

"Babe I love you but it's a trash game." Ash replied.

Roxie stopped.

"Wait, babe?" Roxie turned to look at them.

"Oh yeah I guess we forgot to tell you. We're a thing now." Ash took Brook's hand and displayed it to Roxie.

"Oh yay! Brook usually dates total jerks so this is a huge upgrade!" Roxie hugged the two of them.

"Just don't burn down my house." Ash said.

"I still can believe you committed arson for me Roxie. You're a great freind." Brook hugged Roxie.

Veneer wanted to join in the conversation but didn't really know what to say, they were all so close and he felt like an outsider.

"Veneer is it true that Roxie tried to light the prison on fire!" Brook turned to him. Veneer perked up.

"Yeah like several times about half accidentally and half on purpose." Veneer said and everyone laughed.

"Roxie you are such a pyromaniac." Kid Ritz laughed.

"What was prison like?" Brook asked. Everyone stopped laughing.

"Boring." Roxie said.

"Dirty. Some girl kicked a nail polish bottle on me." Veneer whined.

"Yeah it was red so I thought he was bleeding out. Velvet gave the girl a good beating though." Roxie pretended to box the air.

Veneer remembered when she defended him. Maybe Velvet did care.

The doorbell rang. Some part of Veneer hoped it was Velvet but he knew that was impossible.

"PIZZA!" Kid Ritz leapt up from the bed and everyone ran downstairs with him.

They opened to door to fine Violet standing there.

"Oh it's just Violet. We thought you were pizza." Kid Ritz groaned.

"Glad you're happy to see me." Violet said sarcastically. Then her jaw dropped when she Veneer.

"OMG! You're really Veneer! I thought Roxie was lying!" Violet screamed.

"Why did everyone think I was lying?" Roxie whined.

"Hi I'm Violet and I'm such a huge fan and I honestly don't care about the controversy because your music is literally my favorite!" Violet screamed.

"Thank you! I had no idea I still had fans!" Veneer said.

"Ok enough fan girling!" Roxie announced standing on the couch. "Let's get this party started!"

They played Roblox until the pizza got there. Roxie and Veneer were very good at the prison escape game.

"Hey Veneer remember when we played this game in real life?" Roxie had said. Brook thought that meant they had escaped prison and Veneer was too busy laughing to correct her.

The pizza eventually came and they watched movies together while they ate. Ash even let him have the last slice, and Veneer realized she didn't hate him and just had a resting b#tch face.

They played video games together on Roxie's tv and since there were only two controllers they fought over them a lot. Eventually they had to stop when Moxie yelled at them to stop screaming since they would get a warning for being loud past ten.

Roxie called her a goody two shoes and they decided to play just dance instead. Everyone agreed that Veneer was the best at it.

Everyone here liked Veneer genuinely. They liked his onstage persona, but they liked his offstage self even more. It was a feeling he had never really felt before, like he didn't need to put on an act.

They did each other's makeup which spiraled into a chaos and a rapid wiping of the makeup off their faces. They did each other's nails, Roxie was still bad at it.

Eventually at around one in the morning they decided to do karaoke. Everyone had gone but Veneer.

"Veneer you should go you're the only one who hasn't gone!" Violet said enthusiastically.

"But, I can't actually sing." Veneer said.

"Nether can we, we're just having fun! It doesn't need to be good." Kid Ritz said patting his shoulder.

"Sing Sweet Dreams!" Violet yelled like she was at a concert.

Veneer did her request. He tried his best to just have fun with it. Afterwards, everyone clapped and seemed very shocked.

"Veneer, you're actually a pretty good singer." Roxie said.

"Really?" Veneer asked. "I don't think so."

"No fr you probably didn't even need that troll maybe some auto tune but like you're good." Ash said.

Veneer smiled. He always did sing worse than his actual voice so Velvet wouldn't be upset.

At around 3am they decided to head to bed, after making some dumb videos and having deep late night talks of course.

Roxie, Veneer and Kid Ritz all piled onto her bed with Veneer in the middle. The girls had all already fallen asleep.

"Hey Veneer?" Kid Ritz said.


"I'm really glad we're like all friends now. I always wanted to be freinds with you but yk you seemed really busy and were always with Velvet who low-key hated me."

"Yeah I'm glad we're freinds too. And don't take it personally, Velvet hates everyone."

"Yeah except for you." Kid Ritz laughed.

"No, pretty sure she hates me too."

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now