Pissed 18+ - Kai Anderson

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Applause roared throughout the room as we cheered for our newest councilman, popping bottles and commending each other for all the work we'd done to get him there, but Kai was ready to end it and call it a night once it started- chanting his name and praising him meant nothing.

He leaned on the couch with a glare from hell, his walnut irises burned into everyone in his view with a smile faker than velveteen as the bitterness in his eyes exposed his true feelings, and the glare he gave me differed from the one the others received; I couldn't help but notice his fury- I excused myself from speaking with the others, grabbed a drink, and sat by him.

"Is there something wrong? If so, I can ask everyone to leave," I whispered.

"If I were you right now, I would worry more about enjoying the party while you can. 'Cause I'm giving you an hour, then send everyone home - you stay," he snickered.

Now, usually, I could understand why Kai was mad at me since pissing that hotheaded man off was my schtick- and Kai pretended he couldn't stand me, but he loved how I kept him on his toes. We were disposable to him, so if you annoyed him or he saw no use of you, he'd take care of it- but I'm still here, and I was concerned about how much longer since the party felt like it would never end.

Suspense haunted me until that hour passed, and I reluctantly ushered everyone to leave, assuring them that I needed no help cleaning as I hadn't drunk anything since I was scared out of my mind; the only awakened souls in the house were me and the man I was terrified to face, who was still sitting on the couch in the basement, its door separating us from the rest of humanity; my legs trembled as I stood behind the sofa, placing my hands on his shoulders and massaging him. His body was so tense. Whatever I'd done this time was unacceptable- too bad I had no clue what I'd done for once.

"Everyone's gone, and Winter's upstairs asleep," I notified.

My sucking up hadn't helped as Kai shook my hands off him and stood from the couch, turning to face me. Hiding his anger was not a priority anymore as anger beamed from him. He motioned for me to come closer to him, and I followed his instructions. For the first time, defiance was the last thing on my mind.

"I'm not happy with you right now, Y/n. I can deal with your bullshit, usually, but you've struck a nerve this time. It's my celebration, and you wear that," he confessed.

He examined my body up and down, shaking his head as he snickered. He seemed to get angrier the more he looked at me- even beginning to crack his knuckles while letting out a huge breath.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea I wasn't allowed to wear this," I responded.

"You know this isn't just about wearing that. You can wear that all you want- for me. But you had to make sure everyone saw you like that, huh? I know you saw how they were looking at you," he condemned.

That wasn't the reason I had expected at all, especially given that he'd fucked Meadow a while ago, even if he was only using her to get what he wanted. I was pissed and still am. I didn't respond to him for a while, especially since he tried to hide it from me. If you have to do something, don't do it. I admit, lately, I had been personally doing more shit to tick him off, but I saw no problem wearing this dress as a celebratory outfit to congratulate him. But, since he pissed me off when he did that, the retaliation was much needed.

"I had no ill intention of wearing this, but I understand your guilt making you feel that way," I taunted.

I had to admit it was hot as the thought that Kai would lose his mind over how I looked stimulated me a bit as my panties got wetter. We weren't in a relationship, but anyone in a five-mile radius knew that Kai and I weren't just a leader and follower. As much as he pretended he wanted to keep it hidden, jealousy always prevailed, whether in his house alone or in public. They say that God is a jealous God, and if that is true, then Kai might truthfully be God on earth.

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