The New Girl- Charles Decker

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Introductions shouldn't be mandatory, but school teachers hadn't realized that not everyone wanted their presence known; the moment I'd most dreaded since moving to the new town had come as I stood before my new classmates. Politics could never be a profession I'd pursue because I hated being viewed by the masses. Anxiety rose within as one set of eyes made me more nervous than the others.

A cute brunette sat in the middle of the room with a camera on his desk. His face turned pink the moment we locked eyes. The nervousness in his eyes was noticeable as he looked down at his binder, trying to avoid making eye contact with me. He couldn't see it, but it made me blush inside. The boy tensed up when the teacher assigned me a seat next to him, but he tried to play it cool when I approached and sat by him.

Throughout the beginning of the class, I'd catch him occasionally peering over at me. I pretended not to notice at first because it made me giggle, but one time I caught him. He had the cutest dimples I'd ever seen as the brunette greeted me with a smile. I smiled back before turning back to look at the board. I could still feel his eyes on me as I looked ahead. He didn't seem to be much of a talker. From the corner of my eye, I could see he wanted to say something, but he didn't seem to have the guts to. He eventually stopped and went back to looking in his notebook. He needed a push. I would've been happy to start our conversation, but the bell rang before I could. I wanted to gain a head start on finding my next classroom, so I bolted up from my desk, smiling at him before I rushed out the door.

We crossed paths again at lunch. The boy sat at a table by himself, eating a sandwich that looked like it came from a convenience store. He seemed lost in thought as he stared at the table. He soon returned to reality as he saw me looking in his direction. His face grew pink again as he swallowed and grinned at me. He had become more nervous than the last time I'd seen him. I waved and walked toward his table, but a girl stopped me. She'd been so kind as to ask me to sit with her and her friends, and I didn't want to seem rude, so I accepted the offer. She grabbed my arm and led me toward her table. I looked at the brunette boy, who still sat alone. He looked sad that I wouldn't sit by him, but he still waved at me, and with my free arm, I waved back.

All the other students had gathered on their buses and got in cars, but I had to walk home. The sun's warmth against my skin felt wonderful, especially after sitting in a cold building all day. I hadn't seen the brunette boy since lunch; it bummed me out as I wanted to introduce myself to him. I wished I'd sat by him at the lunch table. I would have to speak to him tomorrow. A group of guys from my school, who looked up to no good, stood ahead on my path. My assumptions about them were correct.

I hadn't noticed the brunette boy from my class lying on the ground until I approached them. The three bullies laughed as he tried to stand from the ground, but they'd kick him back down whenever he was close to getting back up. I hadn't noticed before as he was always sitting down, but he had a paralyzed leg. I rushed over, pushing through the three bullies to get to the boy from my class. Their laughter stopped as I reached down to help the boy up.

"Excuse me, bitch! None of this is any of your concern," one guy insulted. "Stay in your place and get the fuck out of here before you end up like him!"

I ignored the threat and continued to help the boy. The last thing that would intimidate me was a guy who had to pick on others to boost his confidence or a woman beater. Those are two of the weakest types of men. The boy's appreciation showed on his face, but he wanted me to get out of there and save myself. That wasn't happening today. Idiots like these guys were the reason I had to change schools.

"Oh, I'm so scared of the guy who has to pick on the minority. First a disabled boy, now a girl," I mocked. "What are you fucking dense? Who's your next victim going to be, huh? A toddler?"

"Look, I appreciate this, but it's not worth it," the brunette insisted. "Please, get out of here."

"Listen to him because you won't get special treatment." Another bully sneered.

"Good. That gives me more of a reason to use this!" I exclaimed.

I pulled out my lucky pocket knife from my back pocket. I never left the house without it because I knew when I'd run into idiots like these guys. All four of their eyes widened as they looked at the weapon. The brunette boy looked the most shocked as he cautiously picked his items up off the ground. Two bullies backed up, but one remained still.

"You don't have the guts." the bully challenged.

"Hold your arm toward me and we'll find out." I encouraged.

The third bully backed up with each step I took toward him. He was the most burly out of the group, so I wanted him to test my patience. He would've been an excellent example for his friends.

"Hold it out." I asserted.

"Let's get out of here guys," the bully declared. "We've got better things to do, anyway."

I found that hard to believe since one task on their to-do list was harassment. The three jerks raced away from us. I turned to the brunette boy. He had a nervous expression. He had gotten shaken from the encounter, but who wouldn't? I didn't blame him. If he was too scared to speak to me beforehand, I knew he wouldn't put himself out there now. Missed opportunities seldom came with a second chance, so it became now or never.

"Well, that's not how I wanted to introduce myself to you," I stated. "Hi, I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n."

I held my hand out toward him and smiled at him. His face became pink again as he looked at me. He grabbed my palm, shaking it before smiling back.

"I'm Charles. Charles Decker," he introduced. "Do you keep that blade with you at all times?"

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