Anything 18+ - QuickSilver

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"How does it feel to lose to me for the 5th time, " I taunted the silver-haired boy, "What happened to you being unmatched, huh?"

"Beginner's luck, " He spat, "I went easy on you cause you're a girl."

"Five times in a row, " I jeered, "I don't think it works like that, Flash."

"What did I tell you about calling that, " he shouted, "Professor X, what did I tell her about calling me that?"

"Please refrain from calling Peter the Flash, Y/n, " Professor X chimed in.

"Alright, alright, " I said.

"Please refrain from thinking it too, " the professor shot me a look.

I burst out into laughter as I watched Peter fold his arms.

"Sorry, " I laughed, "It's just hilarious."

"Almost as hilarious as being the invisible man, " Peter sneered, "It's not a cool superpower and you're not a real hero.  You're just a ghost."

I stopped laughing as Peter started to chuckle to himself.

"You know what Peter, " I yelled, "Just shut up."

"Oh, no. Now she's going to possess me, " Peter continued, "Someone call ghostbusters. She's angry! What did your feelings get hurt?"

I clenched my fist as my feet began to hover off of the floor, "Shut up, Peter."

"No, I won't shut up. You talk all that shit, Princess, " he kept taunting me, "Now back it up."


"You have to learn to control your anger, Y/n, " Professor X scolded me.

"The Hulk doesn't control his anger and look at him," I argued, "He's one of the greatest heroes to ever walk this planet."

"Y/n, you punched him across the training ground then teleported to the other side and punched back to the other side, " X continued, "Repeatedly. For fifteen minutes."

"I believe the proper name of that game is tennis, " I corrected him.

"Y/n, you will go to the medical ward and apologize to him now, " X demanded.

"But he said I wasn't a real superhero, " I defended, "He called me a ghost."

"Now, " the Professor yelled.

I stood up out of my chair.

"Fine, " I sighed.

"And I'll know if you actually apologize or not, " he started.

"I know, I know, " I rolled my eyes, "You can read minds. I get it...You know one day, you're gonna push me to the other side. They're going to call me Spectre and I will have the coolest villain squad ever."

"You say this every day, " X held his head, "Just say you're sorry."

"I'm going, " I said as I walked out of his office.

"By the way, Y/n, " He yelled out of his office door, "Spectre is just another word for ghost."

True, but it's cooler.


I walked into the medical ward carrying a bag with an I'm sorry card and four boxes of twinkies. If that won't make Peter forgive me then tough luck, at least I tried. I walked into the room that I was told he was in to find him asleep on the bed. He was so adorable when his mouth was shut. Okay, okay he was always adorable. It's just he was always being cocky and acting like he was the greatest. It irked me. I decided to wait on him to wake up as I sat in the chair by his bed.

Evan Peters Imagines and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now