Room 64 (Room 78 pt.2) -James Patrick March

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"I haven't seen him in weeks," I spoke to the woman detective in front of me, "We came to the hotel together- and we argued to the point where I left. I assumed he went back home since I hadn't seen him."

"Ma'am, he never made it back home," the detective raised an eyebrow, "He never made it out of this hotel. And I feel that you knew that."

"Are you trying to insinuate that I killed him," I scoffed in a low tone. We were sitting at the bar, and I didn't want anyone else to hear.

"With all due respect, Y/n," the detective sighed, "All the evidence points to you. A tainted couple takes a vacation, checks into a hotel, argue back and forth- to and from their destination, and somehow the man disappears without even being seen leaving the hotel."

"I saw him leave a few weeks ago," I turned around to see James walking in our direction, "He said he was going to see the Hollywood sign with a very odd-looking lady."

"Can you give me a description of this odd-looking woman," the detective asked, beginning to scribble in her notepad.

"Oh yes, she was quite a character- I could never forget her," he chuckled as he put his pipe between his lips, "She was quite small in size. Very petite. Her hair was green. She was very obscene, wore pigtails, and called herself an E-girl. Very weird. She was quite pale- her eyes were reddish like she had put in those eye things- what do you call them?"

"Contacts," the detective and I both said at the same time.

"Ahh yes, contacts," James chuckled, "And she had Jesus' face on her arm. If we were back in my day, she would be in an asylum, but you know... times are changing."

The detective finished scribbling in her notepad, "I thank you very much for your cooperation, and it seems like I misjudged Mrs. L/n. I apologize. I'll contact you if we find any leads."

And just like that, she had left. I turned to look at James, who was smiling very widely.

"She won't be bothering you again anytime soon, my dear," he chuckled as he made his way closer to me.

"Do you know how much trouble I would have been in if you hadn't witnessed anything," I said as I hugged him, "You saved my behind."

"I would love to think that I did," James said as he wrapped his arms around me, "I would also love to see if she finds someone who looks like that."

I backed away from James, "Wait- you made the green-haired woman up?"

"Yes, I mean, I informed the detective that the suspect was quite a character," James smiled, "I just never said whether she was real or not."

"You sneaky rascal," I laughed as placed a kiss on his lips.

"Anything for you, darling," James cooed as he pulled my body closer to his, "As much as I would love to continue the intimate moment, I must show you something in my special room."

"It can't be that important, James," I pouted as slid my hand onto his ass and began to squeeze it a little. I laughed as I watched his eyes widen.

"Trust me," James cleared his throat and pushed my hands away from his bottom, and grabbed my hand.

"Fine," I sighed as I began to walk towards the elevator.

James followed behind me. As I pushed the button, waiting for the doors to open, I could feel James' breath on my ear.

"And you call me a rascal," James softly whispered into my ear, "You can be quite mischievous too when you want to be."

"I would never," I chuckled as the elevator door opened.

James walked in after me and quickly pressed the button for the 6th floor. He stood beside me- as soon as the doors closed, James hungrily pressed his lips onto mine.

"You can be quite the tease, Y/n," James said as he broke our heated kiss.

The elevator door opened. James began to wipe my lipstick off of his face.

"Follow me," James insisted as he began to walk down the hallway.

60, 61, 62, 63

"We're here," James smiled as he opened the door to room 64, "Welcome to my private office."

James and I walked into the room- he locked the door after we entered. The room was very nice just like his regular room. It was quite nice except for the view of my ex strapped to a bed...Hold up? What? Muffled screams came from his direction. He had a ball gag around his mouth and had been stripped to his underwear.

"James...," I spoke softly to try not to alarm him.

"Yes, my dear," James asked nonchalantly.

"What in the entire fuck is he doing here," I spat at him.

James chuckled, "Well, I know how much you loathe him- and I know how much he made you suffer, so I thought, why not make him suffer even more?" James began to walk towards a dresser and open a drawer. "Isn't it fun to watch him try to squirm away," James smiled as he pulled out a large knife and walked toward me.

I slowly began to back away from him. James' smile began to drop as he noticed.

"Darling, what's wrong," James asked softly, "You don't think I would hurt you, do you?"

I stayed silent as I stared at the weapon that he held in his hand.

"I would never harm you in any sort of way unless you asked me to," he winked at me, "This for you to hold and for him to suffer."

"What," I finally spoke, "Are you saying you want me to kill him?"

James smiled, "That's exactly what I'm saying. He deserves every bit of pain and suffering after how he hurt you." He walked towards the bed and scoffed.

I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was the anger from the memories. Or maybe, it was just the fact that I was seeing his stupid face again that angered me, but James was right. I walked over to the bed and stared at my ex. James stood beside me with a smile on his face. There was a hunger in his eyes. I lifted the knife and repeatedly plunged it into my ex's chest. I don't know what came over me, but once I began- I couldn't stop. James stared at me like a proud parent watching me until he stopped my arm.

"That's enough, Y/n," James interrupted me, "We have to get him off the property now. I have someone waiting to collect him for me."

"Did I just," I stammered, "I just killed him."

"Yes, you did, Darling," James swooned, "And it was beautiful."

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