Star Crossed

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As I walked down the steps, there he stood waiting, not for me, but someone else. Yet he wouldn't look away, his brown eyes locked onto my every movement. Even though he was the only one who wore a mask, I knew he was beautiful, but someone else as he'd entered with a woman. He held onto her as he guided her through the party. His eyes seemed so familiar to me. I'd seen them times before, but I had no idea where. I strolled past him, disappearing into the crowd of dancing people.

At a party where all eyes focused on me, although I hadn't asked for it, my friend Cody insisted on hosting this ball to find "The One." He binged too many Disney movies as a kid and completely lost it. I refused to believe that the love of my life would pop up and ask for my hand in marriage. It's unlikely, but if his goal was to make me the center of attention, I'm astounded to say that he had succeeded. Everyone stared at me in awe, but only one man's eyes grabbed my attention as he walked in with another woman. Even if dreams could come true, that one was off the list.

The stars overhead shined brighter than before. It felt nice to get away from all those party-goers and take some time to be by myself. Although I thought I was alone, I wasn't. A tall figure approached me, a man with blue-green eyes and a confident smile. He was astonishing but wasn't who I'd hoped. The feeling was always mutual between us. That's why he was my best friend.

"Why are you out here by yourself when there's a big ass party in your honor," he exclaimed, "Wait, no, I get it. You're trying to be the mysterious damsel. Smart." Like some Princess Fiona-type shit. You know I wouldn't want Shrek but to each its own."

I chuckled a little as I continued to stare off into space.

"That's not why I'm out here, Cody," I laughed.

"Uh-oh, what's on your mind," he sighed.

"This is all stupid," I ranted, "The love of my life isn't going to pop up and ask for my hand in marriage."

"Well, that might not happen, but something else could," Cody responded.

I sobbed, "Face it, Cody, everyone has their person or at least a baby. I want a baby too, Cody."

"Why are you telling me like I'm going to give you one," he asked, "I love you, but as a sister and I understand why you're thinking about it, but I respectfully decline-"

"Dude, I don't want to fuck you," I spat, "I'm venting."

"Just making sure," he continued, "I'm not trying to get involved in some pregnancy pact. Try again later when I'm less sober."

I excused myself as I headed back into the room and to the coat rack. I failed to make it through as I was interrupted by another gentleman asking to dance. I approved as we made our way onto the dance floor. Big mistake as the man continuously tried to boast about himself. If he thought that would make me fall head over heels for him, he was out of his head. I had become annoyed with everyone in the room. At this point, I just wanted to leave. I glanced back into the crowd as the man continued to converse with himself. I tried to seem interested, but in all honesty, I was not.

"Excuse me, may I have this next dance," a voice asked behind me.

"Sure," I answered without even turning around to see who asked, "Matter of fact, you can have this one too."

I twirled around into the arms of the brown-eyed masked man who stood behind me.

"I've been waiting to meet you all night, Y/n," the man smiled, "You're more astounding than Cody described."

"As have I," I admitted, "The mask took me aback a little, but I can't help but get lost in your eyes. It makes me wonder who's behind the mask even more."

"What can I say, " he smiled, "I like to keep people guessing. Although I don't believe we've ever had the chance of being introduced before. If we had, I would have never forgotten."

"I'd have to agree on that if I knew who you were," I smiled.

"Something tells me you do," He wooed.

"Are you Leonardo Dicaprio," I whispered, "Please say no. I turn 25 soon, so this wouldn't work out.

Under the mask was the face of someone I'd only dreamed of. He tossed the mask to the side. My childhood crush. Cody knew this, especially after I fangirled to him when he was cast for Apocalypse. I should have known that to say something about me to Evan, Cody couldn't hold hot water. I puked in front of him one time in college and he told my family I was pregnant. I spent a week explaining to my folks that I'd had the flu.

"You were close, but so far," the man giggled.

"This whole scenario is giving off Romeo and Juliet vibes, so it seemed fitting," I debated, "The party, suspense..."

"A couple falling in love at first sight," Evan interrupted.

"And the other woman," I sighed.

"I don't get what you mean," he said as he pulled me close, "The only woman I've had eyes on this whole night is right in front of me."

We danced for what felt like an eternity. Our eyes locked into each other's gaze, the only two people in the world were the two of us at that moment. He broke his gaze to lead me back over to the balcony.

"Do you see that star," he pointed to the sky, "That's the North Star and they say if you're ever lost to follow it, it'll guide you back home."

"A man with the universe, I see," I responded.

"You could say that," he smirked, "I think of it as being on an exploration."

"For what," I questioned.

"Myself, my heart, my prosperity," He continued, "I used to have everything, but I wanted something else and left it all behind: my house, car, and the world. I remember I was so down at one point that I went to a psychic. She told me that if my heart tells me something, I should follow it. So I did, I've left the whole world behind me."

"Wow, you sound like you've lost it," I responded, "I respect that. I want to up and run away sometimes too, but I know I'd be crying back here within an hour.

"And I believe that's why I'm here," Evan explained, "My heart brought me here. It gets pretty lonely, finding yourself when by yourself. So I brought my cousin along, but she's leaving soon."

"So that woman you walked in with was your cousin," I sighed out of relief.

"Yep, and once she's gone, I'm going to be on my own again," he continued, "Unless I follow my heart."

"What does your heart say," I asked.

Evan gripped my hand into his own as his eyes glared into mine.

"My heart is telling me to get you," He presented, "If I'm going to make mistakes, then I wanna make them with you. If I'm going take risks, I want you to be right there to bandage me up after the calamity. If I fall, I want you to be the face I see when I awaken from a coma. Call me crazy all you want. This may be the first time we've officially met, but I knew we were meant to be when Cody first mentioned you to me, Y/n."

"That's a risky thing to ask a stranger, you know," I spoke.

"Everything's a risk," he argued, "We choose to take the ones that we hope will benefit us. Which one will you choose?"

To his surprise, I grabbed him by his face and kissed him on the spot.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," I smiled.

Evan Peters Imagines and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now