Baby Fever - James Patrick March

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I sat at the bar with Liz watching as the many mothers walked through the doors of the Hotel Cortez. Some with toddlers, some with arm babies, and even some with rebellious teens; I felt a little bit of envy every time another walked through that door.

"Liz have you ever wanted to be a mother, " I sighed to her.

"Sweetie, I am one, " Liz chuckled.

"I know that, " I sighed, "But like have you ever wanted to have or adopt a kid while you were here in the hotel?"

"Nope," Liz answered, "I wouldn't want to raise a child here, but that's just my personal preference. Somewhere else, maybe."

"Oh," I dropped my head.

Liz was right the Hotel Cortez wasn't exactly a child-friendly environment, that is unless the child had been kidnapped by the Countess.

"Why the sad face, Y/n, " Liz asked me as she poured herself a glass of wine.

"I've just been seeing all of these ladies walking into the hotel with their adorable babies lately, " I admitted, "And it makes me sad that I don't have one. I've always wanted to be a mother."

"You still could be, " Liz claimed.

"No, I couldn't, " I cried, "James wouldn't have it. Besides he couldn't have it, he's a ghost."

"Why don't you go and talk to him about it, " Liz insisted, "James loves you, Y/n, and if a child is what would make you happy. I'm pretty sure he will be open to listening."

"You're right," I said to her as I stood up from the barstool, "Thanks, Liz. I'm going to go talk to him right now."

Liz tilted her wine glass, "Don't mention it,"

I barged into the room that I shared with James. This needed to be discussed. I wanted a baby and I wanted one now. James was dancing around the room to his records, wiping blood off of his face as he did so. He had just killed someone. This was fantastic, I caught him in a good mood.

"James, " I called out for him.

The handsome man turned around quickly as he heard me, dancing his way over to me.

"Hello, Dear, " James smiled as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him, "You look as beautiful as always, Y/n, come dance with me."

James took my hand and his and began to lead. Kissing my neck as we waltz around the room.

"James, " I swooned, "What has gotten into you?"

"Everything, " he cheered, "Today has been exceptional, and now your presence has made it even better."

James dipped me, catching me off guard, and then spun me around.

"Well since you're in an excellent mood, " I smiled, "I'd like to talk to you about something."

"What is it, " James asked.

His brown eyes beamed with curiosity.

"I think we should have a baby, " I said.

The record player stopped frantically as James stood frozen. After a few minutes, he let go of me only to grab his pipe and lighter out of his pocket. His hands shook as he tried to light it, eventually causing him to give up and sit it onto the coffee table.

"Oh, dear, " he gasped, "I need a drink."

"James, " I called out to him worried by how he was acting.

"One second, Darling, " James said as he walked over to our bar area and grabbed his favorite bottle is whiskey from the shelf, "Just let me ease my mind first."

James grabbed a shot glass from the glass cabinet and poured himself a shot. I knew James wasn't the fondest of having another child, but I didn't expect him to go into an existential crisis over just the topic of one. After staring at the shot for a while, he poured it back into the bottle. Throwing the glass into the sink as he grabbed the bottle and starting drinking it straight.

"Alright, dear, " James sighed, "I am ready for the conversation. If I'm not mistaken you said that you want to have a child?"

"Yes, James, " I nodded, "I want to have your child. I want to be a mother."

"My child, " James choked as his eyes widened.

"Yes, your child, " I mimicked, "Who else  could it be?"

"Dear, I'm dead, " James informed me, "I'm not alive. I'm a ghost. You've been informed about this, right?"

"Yes, James, " I pleaded, "I know you're dead, but I want a baby. I want to be a mother. I've been doing research and I've found that a ghost can impregnate a mortal."

James took a large swig out of the bottle as he sat at the dining table. I had never seen him act like this, whether he was nervous or not. He seemed almost frightened by the thought of having a little one roaming around the halls of the Cortez. Was James Patrick March afraid to be a father? Sure he had Bartholomew, but Bartholomew could only go so far within the hotel, being that Elizabeth kept him in his room. Having another child meant more responsibility, more worry, and more risks within and outside the walls of the Cortez.

"James, sweetheart, " I asked, "Are you afraid of having another child?"

"Me? Afraid, " he faked a laugh, "That's...blasphemous, Y/n. Nothing brings fear into my heart, especially not having a child. Who could grow up and leave the hotel and get kidnapped or killed. There's a lot of sick people in this world, Y/n!"

"James, you're overreacting, " I tried to calm him down, "Don't think so negatively. The hotel has everything they'll need, they won't have to worry about leaving. They'll be homeschooled so we don't have to worry about educational issues and we can watch them at all times. Even when they get moody and tell us to leave them alone, one of us can teleport into rooms and go invisible. That's you by the way."

"You're serious about this, huh, " James asked.

"More serious than ever, " I smiled.

"Alright then, dear," he smiled, "If a child is what you want then we shall have a child."

James began to loosen the buttons on his shirt as he chugged the rest of his bottle, slamming it onto the table when it was empty. His heart was beating out of his chest. If he wasn't dead already, a heart attack would have taken him out.

"Alright, " James huffed, "How about we get started now... right after I grab this bottle of Absinthe off the shelf."

Evan Peters Imagines and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now