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September 10, 1998

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        Small hands reached out to touch the long, silky fur of the feline. The cat's large eyes turned to stare into the girl's E/C ones. They made eye contact for a few moments, staring at each other as if they could read the other's thoughts. Then the cat swiftly slipped away from the girl's grasp, causing her to let out a huff of frustration.

She had been following the animal for who knows how long, just wanting to spend some time with it, but each time she got close, it would run off. But she was determined to get the cat, so she sped after it.

As she ran, she was too focused on the cat to bother with looking at the boys who were walking beside her. That was how she accidentally bumped into one of them.

"Sorry..." she murmured, her eyes glued on the cat.

Before she could continue her chase, however, the boy whom she bumped into grabbed her shoulder. She froze, suddenly feeling the growing tension in the surrounding air.

"Oi, oi... You really think we'll let you get off with just an apology, little girl?" the guy asked, though it seemed more like a statement.

"I said I was sorry..." the girl muttered, pushing the boy's hand off of your shoulder.

The guy laughed in response, looking down at her as if she was some sort of joke.

"You hear that, guys?! 'I said I was sorry!' Ha! What a joke!"

So she was a joke in his eyes. She didn't even know the guy, but judging from the way he and his friends looked, they were much older than her. She couldn't help but wonder why they were picking on a girl much younger than them.

She started to back away, but the guys stepped closer to her. This continued until she was backed up against a wall.

"L-Leave me alone...!" she yelped, looking around desperately for someone who would help.

Her plea was met with more laughter from the group. One of them reached out for her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for his touch. It never came. All she heard was the sound of pained groans and grunts.

She opened for eye a smidge only to see the guys on the ground and a new group of boys in front of her.

"Didn't your dads teach you to never hurt girls? Or do you guys not have dads?" one of the boys, who had short blonde hair, scoffed.

They all turned their attention to the girl, and when they did, she immediately shied away. She uttered a quiet, barely audible 'thank you' before scurrying away. She heard one of the boys call out to her, but by then, she was already far away.

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now