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Unexpected Arrival

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The day after they went shopping, Y/N went to an amusement park with Chifuyu and Baji. They insisted on paying for everything, so Y/N was free to enjoy herself.

They watched her with lovesick, puppy dog eyes as she munched on some cotton candy. They were inside because it was raining and decided that when it started to clear up a little, they would leave.

That was until they heard the sound of gunshots. The only thing running through Baji and Chifuyu's minds were to get the fuck out of there.

So they led her outside, Baji using his jacket to shield Y/N from the rain, and started leaving the amusement park. Something caught Y/N's eyes as they were leaving, though. Takemichi and Senju were at the amusement park, too. They were also with someone else. Draken... But... he was on the ground... blood dripping from wounds in his torso.

"Draken!" she screamed, running over.

Baji and Chifuyu, confused and surprised, ran after her, but came to a quick stop when they saw Draken. Y/N kneeled beside Takemichi and hovered above Draken, tears dripping down her cheeks.

"No...! No, Draken, please! What happened?! Who did this to you?! Oh, please don't die! We already lost Emma! We can't lose you too!"

Draken looked at her with droopy eyes that were starting to lose their light. He just smiled, blood dripping from his mouth.

He wanted to tell her that he loved her. That he was sorry for leaving so suddenly. But he didn't get the chance to. Before another word could leave his mouth, he went limp. Dead.

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A few hours passed by since Draken died. An ambulance came, but they were too late. Now they were standing at the spot where Draken died, Baji and Chifuyu trying to console Y/N's sobs while Takemichi and Senju talked with Brahman, who arrived a few moments ago.

All she wanted was to have fun at an amusement park... and now, another one of her best friends was dead.

'Could this day get any worse...?' she thought, her head hurting from so much crying.

At that moment, Rokuhara Tandai showed up, South in front.

'Fuck... I thought too soon...'

Rokuhara Tandai and Brahman were getting ready to brawl when a new arrival showed up. Who it was made Y/N's blood run cold. Accompanied by Izana, it was... Mikey.

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A/N: This chapter is a bit rushed cuz I'm in school, but I wanna tell y'all something. I had the most delectable, the most finger licking, the most lip smacking sandwich ever for lunch. My school has the best food, ong

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now