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"Little Mikey of the snot-nosed brats club," Osanai teased as Mikey stood up and walked in front of him.

The small bit of Toman was surrounded. Y/N looked around nervously, not knowing if she would play a part in this or not. She really didn't want there to be a fight, and she especially didn't want to be a part of it. After a few moments of tense silence, Mikey spoke up.

"And yet you need all these guys for a surprise attack on some snot-nosed brats," he scoffed, "That really matches your image as a complete shit-head, doesn't it, Osanai?"

"Hah?! I can't hear ya! You're too tiny!" Osanai said, to which Moebius laughed even though the joke wasn't really that funny.

Y/N watched Osanai, and he seemed to notice her gaze because he looked back at her. His eyes widened, and then he threw his head back and cackled.

"You guys got yourselves a whore?! I guess you aren't as young as I thought!"

'... Whore...?'

Y/N looked at him in shock. He thought she was the group whore?! Well, it kinda made sense to think that since it was a biker gang and she was the only the only girl, but she still couldn't help but feel offended.

"I'll beat you all half to death, and then I'll show this girl how it feels to be with a real man by fucking her in front of you all like I did to that guy's girlfriend! How does that sound, hmmm~?"

Now, Y/N was mortified. She looked at Mikey, hoping he wouldn't let that happen to her.

Mikey's fists clenched as he glared at Osanai. How dare he speak of
Y/N that way? Call her a whore and then speak about her like she was some sort of common prostitute? He wanted to beat him to death... But he wouldn't... because this was Pah's fight.

With that, Pah-chin let out a battle cry and charged at Osanai, but Osanai landed a blow first, punching Pah-chin in the face. Y/N watched as Osanai continuously landed hits on Pah-chin, and she was beyond confused as to why Mikey wasn't stepping in. That was until Pah-chin started to sway, and Mikey caught him before he could fall.

"I'm sorry... Mikey... I'm... a disappointment..." Pah-chin uttered.

"What are you talking about, Pah-chin?" Mikey asked, a calm smile on his face, "You haven't lost."

This caused an uproar within Moebius. They all kept yelling about how Pah-chin did, in fact, lose and that Mikey should just give up. But Mikey ignored their shouts and instead took Pah-chin to Y/N. He laid his limp body in front of her, his smile not wavering.

"Take care of Pah, my beloved," he said, patting her head.

"U-Um... Okay...?" she replied, looking down at Pah-chin

Mikey's smile widened slightly, and he leaned forward to lightly press his lips against her cheek. He stood up and walked off towards Osanai. Y/N, meanwhile, looked at Pah-chin. She didn't have a clue about first-aid, so she didn't know why Mikey was entrusting her with helping Pah-chin. But she tried her best, and when she finished cleaning off all his blood, he looked a little better than before.

When she looked back up, Draken was holding onto Osanai and shouting at Moebius, telling them how they were now under Toman. She felt relief when it was over, but it quickly went away when she heard police sirens. Just as she heard them, Pah-chin began to move.

"You're still hurt. You shouldn't move too much," she said, lightly holding his shoulder.

"Can't... forgive..." he coughed, pulling out a knife from his pocket.


Before Y/N could stop him, Pah-chin stood up and charged at Osanai, stabbing him in the back.

"What the hell are you doing, Pah?!" Draken yelled, pushing him away.

Everyone started shouting while
Y/N just sat there, looking at them with a slight twinge of guilt. Why did she just... sit there...? As the police sirens drew closer, Draken grabbed her wrist and pulled her up, taking her away from the scene. She let him drag her away as she just looked, wondering how the hell something like that could happen in such a short span of time.

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A/N: Tbh, I hate this book. It's not going the way I thought it out to be

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