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At the sight of Takemichi punching Kisaki, everyone started yelling accusations and stuff at him.

"Who do you think you are, Takemitchy?! You're not even in Toman! Are you trying to ruin our ceremony?!" Draken demanded.

"What's your problem, Takemitchy?!" Mitsuya followed.

"You trying to ruin Mikey's reputation, asshole?!" Smiley asked, his wide grin tightening in anger.

Mitsuya and Smiley along with Mucho, who looked angry but still didn't say anything, started approaching a very nervous Takemichi.

"You got it all wrong, guys... I was just... I was just..." he stammered.

"Hey now, what's going on?" Someone new walked home in the heightened space. The guy who you saw at the fight who had long, silky black hair. "Things just got real interesting!"

"Baji..." Takashi murmured.

"Ain't you on house arrest?" Mucho finally said.

'Baji...? Who is he? Maybe he's the missing division captain?'
Y/N wondered, her eyes trained on his hair, 'I wonder what hair products he uses...'

In a swift motion, Baji ran up to Takemichi and punched him square in the face. Quickly after that one, he released another blow. He was about to hit him again, but Mitsuya held him back.

"Cut it out, Baji," he said calmly.

"Lemma go, Mitsuya. I'll kill you," Baji threatened.

"You wanna go, bastard...?"

Y/N tried to leave Mikey's side to check on Takemichi, but he quickly gripped her hand, effectively stopping her from leaving him.

Baji yanked his arm away from Mitsuya and turned to Mikey.

"Mikey!" he yelled.

"Why are you even here, Baji?" Mikey asked, glancing over at him, "You caused infighting in the gang and have been banned from our gatherings."

"I just punched another shitty brat. Since I ruined your precious gathering, are you gonna throw me out this time?"

"... Baji..."

"I'm leaving to join Valhalla. You don't need a troubled lensjer like me around, right Mikey?"

Baji grinned and turned around, walking away from the scene.


"I quit. From now on, first division Captain Baji Keisuke will be Toman's enemy!"

Y/N could hear chuckling nearby. She glanced over at Kisaki, who was smirking and laughing.

"Haha... Toman's falling apart..." he said.

She narrowed her eyes at him. Was he behind Baji leaving? He was up to no good, and she knew it...

"Baji..." Mikey uttered.

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