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Sneak Attack

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        Y/N laughed, having the time of her life as she held Mitsuya's hand. In her other hand was a big panda toy that he was won for her. In his eyes, she was the most adorable thing he's ever seen.

"Huh?" she hummed upon feeling a raindrop hit her nose.

"C'mon, let's go," Mitsuya said, pulling her away from the festival.

He pulled her to where they came from, where his bike was waiting. He got on, Y/N holding him from behind while still holding her bear.

"Where are we going?" she asked, to which he chuckled.

"Did you forget already? Tonight's the fight between Moebius and Toman."

Before she could react, Mitsuya started his bike and drove off, causing her to squeeze his waist. He did that on purpose, just so she would hold onto him. He saw the way she held Mikey when he saw her at that meeting, so he wanted to see if she would do the same to him, and she did.

Mitsuya drove to Musashi Shrine, where Y/N saw...

"Takemitchy?" Mitsuya called out.

"Mitsuya-kun! And Y/N?!" Takemichi yelped, running over to you two.

"Huh? It's just you here? Where's Draken?"

"It's really bad, Mitsuya-kun! Draken-kun's gonna get attacked!"

"What?!" Y/N gasped, looking between the two.

"It's a long story. Just sit here, 'kay?" Mitsuya said, standing up.

Y/N held her bear as she watched Takashi and Takemichi talk. She huffed, petting her its head out of boredom until suddenly, Mitsuya grabbed her wrist and ran with Takemichi.

"Where are we going?!" she asked, her eyes wide.

"No time to explain! You'll see when we get there!" Mitsuya said quickly.

The three of them ran and ran before making a turn and running through the forest. Y/N looked around, trying to find out what was happening. While she did, she spotted Hina under a tree, and she was looking at her with the same amount of surprise. They quickly passed by her and made it out of the forest, making a turn.

When they stopped, Y/N gasped. On the ground were people in familiar white uniforms. Members of Moebius. They were doubled over or passed out, looking beat up.

Y/N's gaze shifted when she heard pained grunts. Draken was standing in between the members on the ground and members who were still standing. He was holding one of the members by the hair, but that's not what caught her attention. Blood was dripping from Draken's head...?!

"Hey... Mitsuya... Takemitchy...
Y/N..." he murmured.

"Takemitchy! Mitsuya! And... Um... Y/N...?" called out a feminine voice.

Y/N turned and saw a small girl standing nearby, tears falling from her beautiful golden eyes. She assumed she was Emma, a new friend of Hina's.

"Peh-yan! Hey, asshole! What're you doing with Moebius?!" Mitsuya demanded, causing Y/N to turn her attention to a guy you recognized from the discussion where Pah-chin was arrested.

"Shut the fuck up, Mitsuya. I'll kill you, too," he snarled.

"Peh-yan, you coward! You attacked Draken from behind with a bat!" Emma yelled, "And you brought a whole army with you! How can you call yourself a man?!"

"Fuck... I'm beat..." Draken groaned.

"Are you okay, Draken?!" Y/N asked in concern.

"Looks like twenty guys is my limit..." Draken started swaying before falling down with a thud, his back slumped. "The rest're all yours... Mitsuya... My head's killin' me..."

"Yeah," was all Mitsuya said, turning to Y/N, "Help Draken out."

Y/N nodded and started walking over to Draken when Peh-yan said something that chilled her bones.

"Take 'em out. All four of 'em."



"Hmph! 'Bout damn time," Draken chuckled.

"That exhaust sound..." Mitsuya uttered.

"It's Mikey's CB250T."

At that moment, Mikey showed up on his motorcycle. His face betrayed any emotion, something that Y/N wasn't used to. He was dead serious.

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A/N: I dunno how I'm gonna get Y/N and Emma to interact 💀 Also, I can't believe it's already New Years Eve! Like, who tf put 2023 on 2x speed? 🤨

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