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        It was hard for Y/N to focus on studying with that fight still fresh on her mind. She heard that Pah-chin ended up getting arrested and that Mikey and Draken had a huge argument over leaving him behind. They ended up breaking into two different factions. What she found especially weird, however, was how they fought over which faction she should be in. She kinda understood Mikey, but Draken? It was odd...

It was now the August first, and
Y/N was knocking on Takemichi's door. She had never been to his house, so she had to get his address from Hina. In her hand was a bag filled with snacks that she thought he might like.

After the whole incident, Takemichi landed in the hospital, and she couldn't help but feel bad for him. She also thought that if him and Hina were to get married in the future - which she had a hunch they would - she might as well bond with him. That's the reason why she was there.

When Takemichi opened the door, his eyes widened in surprise, not expecting Y/N to be there.

"Y-Y/N-chan...! What are you doing here?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck.

She was quiet for a moment, just looking at him. She then looked down shyly, holding out the bag to him.

"I... I wanted to make sure you were okay..." she murmured under her breath, not meeting his gaze.

Takemichi's face turned a soft shade of red as he took the bag.

"Oh, thanks."

Y/N nodded and turned to leave, but when she turned around, she saw Draken standing in front of her, giving her a great spook.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya," he chuckled, patting her head with his free hand.

"I-It's fine..." she said, "I really should get going...!"

Y/N tried to leave, but Draken blocked her path.

"Why not stay? I'm sure Takemitchy and his friends would enjoy your company. Besides, I'll be here too."

"... Friends...?"

Y/N turned back around, and sure enough, there were four other people in Takemichi's room. How did she not notice them before...? They looked just as confused as her, but probably not for the same reason as she was.

Either way, Draken pushed her into the room and closed the door behind him. In one of his hands was a shopping bag with a watermelon in it. He cut and served it to you all.

Y/N felt really uncomfortable. Takemichi and Draken were one thing, but being in a room with four other guys who she didn't know didn't sit well with her. They kept looking at her, too. She wanted to curl into a ball and disappear right then and there.

One of the boys in particular, the plum red-haired one named Sendo Atsushi, or simply Akkun, looked at her with great interest that some could mistake for admiration. He recognized her as that girl who stood up for Takemichi while they were still under Kiyomasa's rule. She looked so scared... but she stood tall. He wasn't anything like her... He was going to stab Kiyomasa like a coward, but she risked her life. Some man he was...

Y/N and Akkun were brought back to their senses when Draken slammed his fist on the table, messing up Takemichi's intricate puzzle that probably took days to finish.

"That fucker thinks I'm a joke!" Draken growled while Takemichi yelped. He looked down at the puzzle, realizing that he messed it up. "Oh... sorry."

"Everything I accomplished in three daaaays!" Takemichi cried, annoying Draken.

"That's why I apologized, ain't it?"

"Yep!!! It's all good now. Except for me sacrificing my sleep for the last three days to complete it."

Draken sighed and stood up.

"Anyhow, I'm splitting up with Mikey."


"It's the end for Toman, too."

"... Wh... what are you saying? That's a joke, right?"

"Sorry for the intrusion."

With that, Draken walked out of the room, ducking his head to prevent his himself from hitting the doorframe.

"I should get going too...!" Y/N said quickly, standing up and following after him.

Y/N walked a little bit behind Draken. She fiddled with her jeans nervously when Draken looked back at her.

"Why are you so far behind? Come closer," he said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to his side.

She laughed nervously and looked away as they made it outside.

"Hah? What are you doing here?" a familiar voice asked.

Y/N looked up to see Mikey standing there, his eyes narrowing at Draken. Draken gave him the same dirty look.

"Hah? I'd like to know why you're here."

Mikey's gaze trailed to Draken's hand, where he was holding Y/N's wrist. His eyes widened in anger.

"Why are you holding my beloved's wrist?" he hissed furiously.

Draken smirked and pulled her closer.

"Because I can. What're you going to do about it, Mikey?"

Mikey clenched his fists, seething with rage.

"I'll break your bones."

"I'd like to see you try."

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