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Obsessive Maniacs

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        Y/N's finger pressed on the doorbell of Hina's apartment. She was still anxious after meeting Chifuyu, but she calmed down when she saw Hina answer.

"Y/N! You made it," she cheered, quickly grabbing the taller girl's wrist and pulling her in, "Emma's already here. What took you so long?"

"Sorry... I got a little held up," Y/N replied, a bit sheepish.

"It's alright. I know these past few days have been hard on you. You deserve some time to rest and recharge."

Y/N smiled gratefully and Hina's understanding. How did she end up with such a good friend? That was beyond her.

Hina dragged her to her room, where Emma was, already wearing a silk nightgown.

"There you are! I thought you'd never come!" she exclaimed, immediately going up to Y/N and taking her hands into her own, "Oh, it's so nice to have a day just to us girls! No boys or school to interrupt us! Just the three of us"

"I totally agree! The only thing we have to worry about is my brother, but I'm sure he won't be a problem," Hina said dismissively, "Who wants to watch movies?"

It was all Hina's idea. She thought that it would be a good idea that, at least once a month, the three of them would get together at one of their places and have a girls' night.

Y/N thought nothing of it, thinking that it was just a way for them to bond, but Hina and Emma saw it as something much more.

Hina had a boyfriend, Takemichi, but she came before him. She loved her before he asked her out. So why did she accept his confession of love? It was simple, really. He was pitiful.

Emma, on the other hand, couldn't get Y/N out of her mind ever since the night of the fight between Toman and Moebius. She didn't love Draken anymore. He sights were focused on her. It was too bad that her older brother liked her too... But they weren't technically dating, so she still had a chance.

The night was a sort of competition between the two girls. They were competing for Y/N's attention, gradually getting on each other's nerves. The only reason they didn't snap at each other was because Y/N was there, and they didn't want to scare her away.

They were so distracted by her that they didn't notice Naoto standing just outside of the door, staring directly at the unaware
Y/N. How beautiful she was... As he watched, he rubbed Y/N's lipgloss on his own lips, making them wet and sticky, but he didn't care. Not in the slightest. Not when he was indirectly kissing her.

Poor Y/N... She didn't realize she was in a house full of obsessive maniacs.

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A/N: I listened to Portals while making this

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now