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Black Dragons

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"This whole zone is the Black Dragons' territory," Koko said, "If any other gangs come swaggering in, the boss instructed us to kill them. You know what that means, don't you? It means you're all dead!"

"Get 'em, boys," said a boy with blonde hair and a scar, presumably from a burn, a little over his left eye and going up to the corner of his forehead.

"Lay off, guys. They're my buddies!" Hakkai demanded.

"Stay back, Hina-chan and
Y/N-chan. They don't go easy on girls," Yuzuha warned, causing Y/N and Hina to take a nervous step back.

"Hakkaaai... Even friends of our young master need to be taught some proper manners," Koko said, "Because our gang won't listen to you!"

Baji chuckled and grabbed a hair band from his pocket, putting his hair up into a ponytail.

"I've been itchin' for a fight ever since Bloody Halloween!" he said, undertones of sadism in voice voice.

"Baji, no... We shouldn't start anything," Y/N said, holding him back.

Baji huffed and crossed his arms in frustration.

"Fine... But I'll start swinging if they try anything."

Hakkai stepped in front of one of the members of Black Dragons, towering over him and looking down at him intimidatingly.

"I told you not to hurt my friends!" he said, his tone firmer, "So please!"

"Hakkai, weren't you listening?" the guy rhetorically asked, "We don't take orders from you! Wanna get the girls killed, too?!"

Before he could say anything else, Hakkai punched him in the face, pounding his head into the ground.

"Fuck off, scumbags." Hakkai stood up and looked back at the others. "Sorry to get you guys involved. The boss of the Black Dragons is Shiba Taiju."

"Huh? Shiba...?" Y/N repeated.

"Yeah. Taiju's our older brother," Yuzuha followed.

"The three of us are siblings," Hakkai stated, turning back to Koko, "Where's Taiju now?"

"... At the convenience store," Koko responded, causing Hakkai to sigh.

"He's hardly ever home... Except for shit like this. Pain in the ass..."

"Hey," said the guy with the burn. He pulled out a switchblade and held it to the side of Hakkai's neck. "Watch your mouth, asshole. Talk shit about our boss and I'll kill you."

"You have no damn chill."

"Think I won't do it?"

All of a sudden, Yuzuha appeared behind the boy and kicked him in the neck. Baji groaned and looked at Y/N, the corner of his lip twitching.

"How come they get to hit, and I don't?!" he said, his voice a bit whiny.

"They have good reason to. You don't," Y/N replied, admiring Yuzuha.

Baji huffed, now feeling jealous of Yuzuha. It was a bit embarrassing to him, being jealous of two girls, but he couldn't help it.

"Keep your hands off of my little brother," Yuzuha said, looking down at the guy who was now on the ground.

He got right back up, looking unbothered, though there was a red mark on the side of his neck where Yuzuha kicked him.

"Back off, Inupi. They're the boss's sibs," Koko grinned.

"I swore loyalty to the boss, but there's no reason I should take any shit from them," 'Inupi' said, pointing the knife in Yuzuha's direction, "I'll show you who's in charge. I don't care if you're a girl. I'll kill you all."

"Guys! Leave this to us. Get outta here!" Yuzuha said.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not leavin' here without a fight!" Baji said.

Y/N suddenly heard the sound of booming footsteps. She looked in the direction of where they were coming from. The only thing she could see was a face with a head of blue and white hair before she felt a strong, painful pressure on her neck.

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now