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Y/N spent the rest of her day hanging out with Kazutora. She was very nervous around him, making her rather awkward, but he didn't seem to mind. All he cared about was catching up with her after so long.

When the day eventually ended, Kazutora was reluctant to let her leave, but after exchanging phone numbers, he finally dropped her off home.

Y/N was still so confused. The two of them only saw each other briefly as little kids, so why was he so adamant about spending time with her?

The reason was that Kazutora knew he liked her... And he saw why. She was so... adorable. Her timidity was intriguing... He might just steal her away from him. After all, he deserved it.

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The next day, Y/N was walking down the street to visit Hina. She walked past a boy with hair that was in a choppy undercut style with the top being blonde and the sides being black. His face seemed to be beat up because he had bandages over his right eye, on his nose, and on the left side of his jaw. He stopped and glanced back at her.

"Oi!" he called out, walking back over to her.

Y/N looked back at him, immediately wondering if she did something wrong.

"Huh...? Can I help you...?" she asked, taking a step away from him.

He grinned and chuckled.

"Mitsuya was right! You are shy. But don't worry, I won't hurt ya!" He held his hand out to her. "Name's Matsuno Chifuyu, Toman's first division vice-captain. The others have told me a lot about you."

Y/N relaxed a bit when she heard that he was a member of Toman. She took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you..."

He nodded and looked her over for a moment before looking back at her first.

"He was also right about you being pretty..."

Y/N's face turned a soft shade of red (ignore if you have darker skin). She looked away in eembarrassment.

"Oh... Thanks... I... I have somewhere to be. I'll see you later, Matsuno-"

"Call me Chifuyu."

"I... I'll see you later, Chifuyu."

Y/N quickly turned and walked off, hoping to save herself from another awkward situation. As she did, Chifuyu watched her from behind intently. She wasn't just pretty... She looked like a goddess.

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A/N: I have three things to say!

First, did you see what I did in this chapter? (iykyk)

Second, the next chapter will probably be a filler chapter involving Hina, Emma, and Naoto.

Third, I've been thinking about my future career, and my current Plan A is to be a writer/author. I've been thinking of prompts, so I have two ideas, and I want to know if they're good:

1. A girl has this job where she's in a circus-like place with other performers, and the ringleader is a guy who's really sweet to them all, but he's actually a really creepy person who kidnapped them all when they were small children, and the girl has to find a way to get them all out of there.

2. (I didn't realize this sounded like that Amnesia anime until now. I haven't watched it btw, I've only heard things about it) A girl has amnesia from an accident, and a boy claims that he's her boyfriend, but she later finds out that he lied, but when she tried to leave, he keeps her in his house and won't let her leave.

This is the longest A/N I've ever done 😭

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