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Bad Feeling

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Y/N had to refrain herself from biting her nails as she watched everyone fight. It was like when Toman fought Moebius, expect this battle gave her a horrible feeling... Like something bad was going to happen... Like someone was going to get seriously hurt, just like Draken.

She sat on one of the broken down cars, fidgeting nervously with her fingers. She was so focused on the fight that she didn't realize that the Haitani brothers were right above her, glancing between her and the fight.

They knew her, but she didn't know them...

Y/N's gaze ultimately fell on Mikey. He was running up a stack of cars, chasing after Kazutora. She couldn't hear what he was saying, but she could tell that he was shouting at him. Just as Mikey made it near Kazutora, two guys with Valhalla jumped up out of nowhere, one of them kicking Mikey down a car or two.

She tried desperately to keep up with the fight, making sure Mikey was okay. The two guys latched onto Mikey, one on his arm and the other on his hips while Kazutora hit in the head with a metal pipe, knocking him down.

"Mikey!" she yelped, causing Draken's, Mitsuya's, Chifuyu's, and Takemichi's gazes to fall on him.

Y/N stood up from her seat, unable to sit still, and started to go after him, but someone grabbed her arm. She looked to see who it was, and to her surprise, it was one of the Haitani brothers - the one with the glasses.

"Don't. He's already lost," he said.

Y/N looked at him in surprise for a moment before her brows furrowed. With a bit of struggle, she pulled away from his strong grasp.

"No, he hasn't! Mikey never loses!" she defended.

'Why am I being so defensive...? I mean... Mikey's so... controlling... So... why am I so attached...?'

When Y/N looked back at Mikey, she was relieved to see that he was getting back up. That relief quickly went away when one of the Valhalla guys grabbed Mikey from behind, holding him in a vulnerable position. With him like that, Kazutora hit him repeatedly in the face with the pipe.

"Mikey lost," the Haitani brother repeated.

Y/N held her hand over her mouth when Kazutora banged the pipe directly on Mikey's head. They were both still for a moment, Kazutora's eyes going wide, not with insanity, but shock. Mikey headbutted the guy holding him back, sending him flying. He then lifted the leg that the other guy was holding onto, lifting him in the process. The guy instinctively held out his leg, causing him to kick Kazutora on his temple and send him down with a thud. Mikey stood there for a moment before falling to his knees.

"Mikey...! Mikey!" Y/N shouted as numerous members of Valhalla ran up the cars, trying to him.

She didn't know if she should stay or try to get to him. She might get hurt, and she would go against Mikey's words, but they could kill him! When one of the guys got close, she stood up from her seat, ready to run to Mikey when the guy was stopped. Kisaki stepped in, punching the guy in the face and sending his down.

She let out her second sigh of relief, but, like the other one, it was short-lived. Something caught her eye. Baji. He was running up to cars towards Kisaki, another pipe in his hand. He hit him in the head, a wide, accomplished smile on his face.

Kidaki's vice president grabbed Baji and threw him away like garbage, sending him down multiple cars. Baji was about to get up, but Chifuyu stopped him, holding his arms out. They seemed to be talking for a little bit before Baji also hit him in the head with the pipe. Chifuyu didn't stay down, though. He got back up and face off Baji. They were interrupted when Takemichi stepped in, lunging and grabbing Baji by his waist.

At that moment, Y/N felt an urge to get up. It was the same feeling she felt in the beginning, when she felt like someone was going to get seriously hurt. Kazutora was approaching Baji, and he had something in his hands... Something sharp.

Without any hesitation, Y/N shot up from her seat and ran as fast as she could to where Baji was. She made it in the knick of time, too. The moment she made it behind Baji, she felt a sharp, painful sting in her abdomen.

Kazutora stabbed her.

Y/N let out a shaky breath as everything around her seemed to stop. She could feel blood dribbling from her mouth and dripping down to her chin.

"Y/N..." Kazutora uttered, looking at her with wide, terrified eyes.

Y/N didn't look at him. She immediately looked at Mikey, who was looking at her with a shocked expression.

"M... Mikey... You said... that you love Baji... a lot... So I... I saved him... Now there's a chance... that he'll leave Valhalla... and go back to you... Did I do a good job keeping my promise, Mikey...?"

After those words, her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed on the cars.

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A/N: I'm sorry, this chapter is kinda rushed 😭

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