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"Hold on... This little guy is Brahman's boss?" Takemichi rhetorically asked, his eyes a bit wide.

Y/N was about to tell him that Senju was, in fact, a girl, but she quickly shut her mouth. If Senju kept her gender a secret for this long, then she probably had a good reason for it.

"Grazioso, Kawaragi Senju," South applauded, rubbing his sore neck, "I'm getting all nervous!"

"What are you doing, scaring our boss like that?" the guy with the crazy eyes said, walking over, "Don't get too cocky, you fucking shrimp!"

"Huh? Who the fuck are you?" Senju asked, looking at him boredly.

"Hah?! I am Ninth Gen Black Dragon's-"

He was cut off when someone grabbed his shoulder. He looked to see who it was and was immediately met with a punch to the face.

The one who punched him was a member of Brahman; a tall man with dark skin, a platinum blonde crew cut with an old Dutch beard, and wide, intense blue eyes.

"You're a disgrace to the Black Dragons, so cut it out!" he yelled.

"Hm? What does he mean by that?" Y/N hummed.

"That's Benkei-kun from the First Gen," Inupi explained.

"Senju! Brahman is not here today to brawl! Our objectives are Hanagaki Takemichi and L/N Y/N!" Benkei yelled.

"You're so loud, Benkei..." Senju murmured, leaning away from him.

Suddenly, a member from Rokuhara Tandai, the one with heterochromia, ran over and threw a blow at Benkei, knocking him to the ground.

"If either of them wishes to return to the world of delinquency, they belong to us, Rokuhara Tandai!" he claimed.

"As expected from someone who's the all-known 'Tirman,'" the Brahman member with the cigarette chuckled, "Tough bunch, aren't ya, Rokuhara?"

"Well, I didn't recruit the strongest in Tenjiku for nothing!" South said.

"This gets the blood pumping, doesn't it, Waka?"

"No, it doesn't," said someone who suddenly appeared behind the heterochromia guy.

He was short and had feminine features, but Y/N could tell that he was a boy. His blonde and lilac hair was long and tied up into a ponytail. His eyes were also lilac, and he wore the Brahmnan uniform.

"If I cared enough, this guy wouldn't be standing alive," he continued.

Y/N glanced at Takemichi, noticing hus wide eyes. She understood how he felt. All these random people were popping up out of nowhere that it was hard to keep up.

"Hey! Don't just appear glamorous out of nowhere, Waka!" Benkei scolded.

"I'm just following Senju's orders."

"Takemichi, Y/N," Inupi said, getting their attention. "Those are the 'Living Legends.'" He looked at the tall man and the boy with feminine features. "They're the best duo from the First Gen Black Dragons: Waka and Benkei." He then looked at the man smoking a cigarette. "And then, First Gen vice-president, the 'God of War,' Akashi Takeomi. These are the founding members of the First Gen Black Dragons. The generation that was led by Sano Shinchiro. The guys who led the number one gang in Japan. And now, the mysterious man leading the 'Living Legends.' The 'Unmatched' Kawaragi Senju."

"What the hell are you hyping each other up for?!" Draken suddenly yelled, fired up. "Should we continue where we left off, South? It's been a while since this engine has gotten heated up! Let's get this party started!"

With that, Draken and South started going at it. Their fight was quickly cut short, however, when the sound of police sirens drew near. Everyone started leaving the scene.

As Y/N got back on the motorcycle with Draken and Takemichi, she glanced back at Senju. She was surprised to see that she was looking back at her, a glint of longing in those beautiful green eyes of hers.

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