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July 14, 2017

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Though they haven't seen Mikey at all, the entirety of the Tokyo Manji Gang knew that Y/N was his girl. His mistress, his fiance, his toy. That was why her stomach was already round with his baby.

She hated it. She didn't know how it happened. One moment, she was writing, and the next, she woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom to some guy... touching her.

Mikey's intentions were to babytrap Y/N so that she wouldn't be able to leave him. She was so far from home, so she wouldn't be able to support herself, much less a baby. She needed him just as much as he needed her. Ever since Draken died, he's never been the same, so the person who came to mind was her. He was so happy he met her that day when they were children...

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July 14, 2005

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Y/N's arms were wrapped tight around Mikey's waist as he rode on his motorcycle. She's never done anything of the sort before, so she was scared to the bone. When he came to a stop, she immediately stepped off of the bike in order to get her bearings.

As Y/N looked around, she froze. Numerous intimidating people surrounded her. In the short time that she and Mikey knew each other, they grew quite close. Well, it was more like him following her around and forcing her to give him attention. Either way, the two hung out a lot, and after a little while, he said he wanted to bring her to a very important event. She didn't really have a say in it, so she went along, but she didn't expect there to be so many people. It made her nervous...

"Oi, oi!" a voice called out to her.

She held in a breath as she looked to see who spoke to her. A guy who was a bit taller than her walked over to her. He had short lilac hair and droopy lavender eyes. He smiled casually as he looked her up and down.

"So you're that girl that we helped? You sure have grown quite a bit. Mikey wouldn't stop talking about you, y'know?" he said, his voice sounding slightly teasing.

"O-Oh...! Is that so...?" Y/N uttered, not knowing what to say in reply.

"Hm. You're a shy thing. It's kinda endearing. I can tell why Mikey wants you to join."

"Wha...? Join...?!"

"Oh, my bad! I wasn't supposed to say anything yet." He smiled apologetically while Y/N looked at him in disbelief. Join? What did he mean by that?! Did Mikey want her to join his gang?! "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mitsuya Takashi. I obviously already know you. L/N Y/N, right?"

He held his hand out to, and, with a bit of hesitation, Y/N shook it, nodding.


"Hey! Everyone gather 'round! The meeting's gonna start!" Draken yelled.

Everyone except for Y/N, Mikey, Draken, and Takemichi - who she just now noticed - gathered on either side of them and bowed.

"Good evening, Leader!" they shouted in unison.

With Mikey leading, they walked down to an elevated space. Draken was a little behind him, and further behind Draken was Takemichi and Y/N. It embarrassed her behind with them. She wanted to go home, but that would probably be even more embarrassing.

When they made it to the elevated space, Mikey started talking. Y/N had no idea what he was talking about or what he wanted, so she didn't really pay attention. She did catch a few things, though.

A member of Toman's best friend got into a fight with the leader of a gang called Moebius. They beat him up and then proceeded to rape his girlfriend in front of him, hung up his parents and siblings, and stole all of his money. That was so fucked up... Y/N couldn't believe that people so cruel could actually live with themselves knowing the fact that they've commited such heinous crimes.

Mikey said that on August third, the day of the Musashi festival, they'll fight Moebius. Something else he said, however, really caught Y/N's attention.

"And this cutie right here is L/N
Y/N, our new member!" he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She was just as surprised as everyone else. "Of course, she won't fight. She'll be our emotional support, and maybe even our medic! Oh, oh, or maybe you can be our spy! Hell, you can be all three!"

She looked into the distance dumbfounded. So that was what Mitsuya meant when he said that she was joining. But she didn't want to join a gang! She couldn't! It'd ruin her reputation! But she didn't have a say in the matter... Ever since meeting Mikey, she's felt like he's been controlling her life. But she couldn't speak against him in fear that he'd get mad at her and break his rule of not hitting girls. She'd just have to go along with it. She'd be the first and most likely only female member of Toman until she found out a way to work up the courage to get out of it.

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A/N: That first part is just... yeah...

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