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Undeniable Charm

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August 3, 2005

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        Y/N's mom decided that she was well overdue for a new yukata, so she took her out shopping for a new one to wear at the Musashi Festival, though Y/N knew that the true reason they went out shopping was because she was going with Mitsuya. Either way, she was grateful that she didn't have to choose between old ones, not that she had too many to begin with.

Her mom bought her a white yukata with F/C (Favorite Color) flower patterns on it, the obi matching the color of the flowers. Her hair was put up/left down (ignore if you have shorter hair), and she decided to put a kanzashi in it to match the flowers as well. Her bag was also matching, except the bag itself was F/C and the flowers were white.

When she was ready to go, Y/N quickly kissed her mother goodbye before going off to the festival. She would usually just go with Hina, but she was going with Takemichi, and since she was going with Mitsuya, she was unsure if she was going to run into Hina in the first place. She decided to push that thought away and focused on having a good time.

When she made it there, the sky was already dark, making the lights of the festival stand out. She looked around for Mitsuya, but she couldn't see him in the sea of people, making her wonder if he stood up up and asking her out was just a cruel joke.


Y/N yelped at the sudden loud voice and hands grabbing her shoulders. She twirled around, and behind her was Mitsuya, a grin on his face.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he chuckled.

"Well it wasn't funny...!" Y/N huffed, though she couldn't help but laugh herself.

Mitsuya looked her up and down, a blush dusting over his face.

"You look... beautiful," he complimented.

"Thank you...!" Y/N replied bashfully.

"Mhm. C'mon, let's go! The night won't last forever."

Mitsuya took Y/N's arm in his, and the two walked past the numerous stalls of the festival. Y/N's timid nature completely went away that night. She never felt more herself around someone so new. It was... refreshing.

Meanwhile, Mitsuya loved the way Y/N was so happy and cheerful, her true, more energetic nature coming to light. He understood why Mikey and Draken liked her so much... Her sweet charm was undeniable.

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A/N: I was going to make this chapter longer, but I didn't feel like it. Sorry 😖

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now