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Just like that, everyone started fighting. It was all a blur to Y/N. She couldn't keep up, so all she could do was clutch onto her bear and hope for the best.

A few minutes into the brawl, she heard Takemichi yelling. Yelling about how Draken was... stabbed. She gasped and looked in the crowd, trying to find him. After a few moments, she spotted Takemichi struggling to carry Draken on his back. She quickly ran up to them and helped him.

"Don't worry, Draken, we'll bring you to safety!" she said, struggling due to Draken's weight and the fact that she was wearing a yukata.

"Takemichi! Y/N!" called out a familiar voice.

Y/N looked behind her and saw Hina and Emma running up to them, their faces worried.

"Hina! Emma-chan!" Takemichi gasped.

"We just called an ambulace!"

"How's Draken?!" Emma asked.

"He's alive, but he's bleeding out!" Y/N replied, looking at the wound on Draken's abdomen.

Y/N and Takemichi set Draken down on the sidewalk, and Emma rested his head on her lap, tears filling her eyes. Y/N could tell that she liked him. The ambulance still hadn't arrived, and he was bleeding out fast. She looked at her bear, her brows furrowed. She pressed it hard against his wound, hoping it would stop the bleeding at least a little. Emma looked at her, her eyes wide.

"What are you...?" she murmured, her words trailing off.

"I'm an official member of Toman... The least I can do is try to save the vice-president's life..." Y/N uttered, applying more pressure to the wound.

Emma knew who Y/N was. She was the person that Draken wouldn't stop talking about, and Emma was so jealous of her. And yet... she was so... beautiful. The way she was so focused on saving Draken... Now, she couldn't help but feel jealous of him instead of her.

Y/N heard yelling and looked up. A few members of Toman, with Kiyomasa leading, were walking up to them, and they didn't look friendly. She felt a hand touch her own, and she looked down to see that Draken had regained consciousness.

"Y/N..." he coughed.

"Draken..." she muttered.

"Thanks, Y/N..."

He started sitting up, and she tried to push him back down, but he pushed back against her and propped himself up.

"Draken, you should lay back down!"

He didn't listen and turned his attention to Takemichi.

"Take the girls and run... Don't worry about me..." Takemichi just looked at him in shock, his mouth open. "Hurry up, Takemitchy..."

Takemichi just stood there, his fists clenched. Then he suddenly let out a loud cry.

"God, I'm pathetic!" he yelled, his eyes tearing up. He spit on the ground, his face now tough. He placed a hand in front of Hina, who was next to him. "Hina, stay back."

He walked up to the Toman members.

"Fuck you lookin' at? You wanna die, you little punk?" Kiyomasa said.

Takemichi was quiet for a moment before speaking.

"Revenge! Kiyomasa-kun. We never finished our fight, did we?"


"Our one-on-one match in the fighting ring!"

"... Huh?"

"The fuck're you talkin' about, bitch?! Everyone knows you lost!" one of the members behind Kiyomasa said.

"I didn't lose," Takemichi replied.

"Oh yeah? One hundred million yen on Takemitchy!" Draken claimed.


"It's dumb as hell, but I'm in."

"Me too! One hundred million on Takemichi!" Hina joined in.

"Me three! One hundred million on Takemitchy!" Emma followed.

"... Oh, what the heck? One hundred million on Takemichi!"
Y/N added.

"Hina?! Emma-chan?! Y/N?!" Takemichi yelped.

Kiyomasa was quiet for a moment before grinning.

"They're so desperate! They've totally lost their minds!" he joked, to which the members behind him laughed.

"No, we haven't," Draken said.


"Takemitchy's got this!"

Takemichi walked up to Kiyomasa and swung his fist.

"Let's go, Kiyomasa! Fight me!" he yelled.

Kiyomasa's grin widened just as Takemichi's eyes also went wide. He pulled out a knife and stabbed Takemichi in the hand.

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A/N: I go back to school on Thursday 😕

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