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Y/N's body froze up when he said those words. Bat? Was he going to beat her to death? She was starting to regret all of her life choices until a deep voice called out.

"Oi, Kiyomasa."

"What?!" the boy, who she assumed was Kiyomasa, yelled, looking behind him.

Walking up behind Kiyomasa was a guy who was a bit taller than him. His hair was blonde, shaved on the sides, and tied into a braid. On his left temple was a tattoo of a dragon in black ink.

Behind that guy was a shorter boy who was also blonde, but his hair wasn't shaven and was let loose, reaching a little above his shoulders. He was nonchalantly snacking on some dorayaki that was nearly gone.

"You should know that we don't hit girls, much less with a bat," the tall guy continued, "I think you need a lesson on respect."

Y/N knelt down next to Takemichi nervously, not knowing what to do. One part of her wanted to snatch him up and run, but she'd probably get caught before she managed to take a few steps, and even if she did manage to get away, she'd be on these guys' radar.

She gasped in surprise when everyone around bowed down, yelling "Good afternoon, President!" Takemichi tried to stand tall when his eyes landed on the so-called president, but she held him down.

"Don't... Your injuries are too bad..." she said simply, her eyes trained on the new duo.

As they walked over to her and Takemichi, Kiyomasa bowed down, but the taller guy kicked him square in the stomach, causing Y/N to wince. Kiyomasa doubled over as the taller guy scolded him for not bowing low enough. Meanwhile, the shorter guy continued to walk over to them.

When he got closer, Y/N noticed that he was slightly shorter than her, but he was still intimidating all the same. He leaned up and got into her face, causing her to step away.

"Hmm... I recognize you from somewhere..." he hummed, his dark eyes studying her features.

Those E/C eyes... That H/L, H/C hair... That S/C (Skin Color) skin... He gasped as he took a closer inspection of her.

"You... You're that girl I've been looking for!"

Y/N was about to say something, but the boy quickly cut her off by wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Oh, c'mon! Don't tell me you don't recognize me! I'm that boy who rescued you from being hurt by that group of guys when we were younger!"

"That was a long time ago, Mikey. Of course she doesn't remember," the taller guys said, walking closer to them, "Don't mind him, he's just excited. What's your name? You didn't tell us the last time we met."

"O-Oh...! My name...? My name...! It's, uhm, L/N Y/N...!" she stammered.

"Well, Y/N-chan, you can call me Mikey, and this is my buddy, Draken! I can already tell that we're going to be great friends!" the shorter guy, Mikey, said, pulling her into a hug.

Y/N giggled uncomfortably as she looked over at Takemichi, who was looking between her and the guys in disbelief. Mikey followed her gaze.

"Oh! And what's your name?"

"U-Um...! H-Hanagaki Takemichi...!" Takemichi stuttered.

"Mmm... From now on, Takemitchy, you're my friend, 'kay~?"

"Take... mitchy...?"

"Yeah, that's what he said, Takemitchy. Got a problem with that?" Draken asked, narrowing his eyes at Takemichi, to which he quickly shook his head.

Mikey turned around, his arm moving away from Y/N, and walked up to Kiyomasa.

"Are you the organizer of these matches?" he asked.

"Y-Yes sir...!" Kiyomasa replied proudly.

Mikey grinned sweetly before lifting his leg up and kicking Kiyomasa in his jaw. He then grabbed him by his hair and pulled him to look at him.

"Who the hell are you?" he rhetorically asked, no longer smiling.

With a punch, he knocked Kiyomasa to the ground. Mikey rested his foot on his head as he turned to look at Y/N and Draken.

"Okay. Let's go Ken-chin and my beloved!"

... Beloved? Did Mikey just call Y/N his beloved? When she asked him that, he gave her a look of ignorance.

"Beloved? Did I say that? No~" he said.

He dragged her away from the fighting ring, and that was how she realized that her life would never be the same again with gang leaders all over her.

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A/N: Sorry, the end is kinda rushed

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