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Shiba Siblings

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        The next day, Baji took Y/N to go bowling. She couldn't remember the last time she did, so she was really excited. They were having a good time, Y/N getting excited over strikes and spares while Baji admired her.


Y/N hummed and looked to see who called for her.

"Hina!" she said in reply, going up to hug the shorter girl.

"You never said you got out of the hospital! I was so worried!"

"Huh? Didn't Takemichi tell you?"

"Erm... I didn't know, actually," Takemichi, who was near them, said sheepishly.

"Oh, whatever! All that matters is that you're okay!" Hina said, her grip on Y/N tightening ever so slightly.

She didn't want to let her out of her sight. With a near death experience and all, she didn't want to be so close to losing the love of her life ever again. Hina's gaze fell on Baji, who was glaring down at her with wide, jealous eyes. He never wanted to punch a girl so badly in his life. And when a cocky expression appeared on her face... He hated it.

Sensing tension, Takemichi grabbed a bowling ball and grabbed all of their attention. He took a stance and rolled the ball, knocking down all of the pins in a strike. The one next to his did, as well. In fact... the guy next to him had the same stance as Takemichi's.

He was tall, with royal blue hair styled in a crew cut and with a swirl design shaved on the left side of his head and extending to the back of his head. His eyes were indigo, and there was a scar on the left side of his lip.

"Oh?! We both got strikes..." he said, turning to look at Takemichi, "We were totally in sync."

"Not bad," said a girl who was sitting behind him.

Y/N thought she was absolutely gorgeous, with large yellow-orange eyes and medium-length ginger hair.

"Huh? I thought I'd seen you somewhere before," the boy said, "You're Hanagaki Takemichi!"

"Huh?" Takemichi hummed, confused.

"Aw, c'mon... I'm the second division vice-captain, Shiba Hakkai." His gaze fell on Y/N and Baji. "Baji! Nice to see you, man. And you must be Y/N. I hope you're healing well."

"Good to see you too, Hakkai!" Baji said cheerfully while Y/N gave a shy nod.

"Let's go already," the girl behind Hakkai said.

"Shut it! The lane's callin' me," Hakkai said in reply. Takemichi looked at Hakki with wide eyes, his jaw dropped. "Hmm? What's wrong with you? My captain told me a lot about you." He put his arm around Takemichi's shoulder. "We're bros from now on, Takemitchy! Come over to my place! You guys, too! The more the merrier!"


The six of them left the bowling alley and walked down the sidewalk to where Hakkai lived. They introduced the girl as Hakkai's older sister, Yuzuha.

"If you two are 'bros' now, then I get to be an older sister to both of you. We're the same age, Baji... Oh, and I'm your older sister too, Y/N," Yuzuha said, "Since you're my little bro now, Takemici, buy me some juice."

"Um... I think we're the same age, actually," Y/N said, twirling her hair with her finger.

"Hm? Really? But you look younger. Are you really fifteen?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Wait, you two are brother and sister?!" Takemichi yelped.

"Really? You don't look alike," Hina added.

"You don't look like you'd be any good in a fight. Why are you even in Toman?" Yuzuha asked, directing the question towards Takemichi.

Takemichi couldn't come up with a reply, so he just looked down awkwardly. Y/N walked alongside Baji, who kept his gaze suspiciously on Hina. Baji happened to also be walking beside Hakkai. Hakkai glanced down at Y/N, and his face heated up. When Y/N met his gaze, he quickly looked away, making Y/N confused. Yuzuha noticed this and giggled.

"Don't feel bad, Y/N-chan. My little bro's kind of a late bloomer," she said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Y/N asked.

"If any girl besides me talks to him, he freezes up. Don't worry about it."

There was a little moment of quiet before Takemichi spoke up.

"Umm... Since you're vice-captain of the secind division, does that mean you get along well with your captain, Mitsuya?" he asked.

"Real well, unfortunately," Hakkai responded, "Also... We're the same age. No need to be so polite."

"Huh?! But you look older! We're really the same age?!"

"Haha! Go easy, man."

"Mitsuya's like an older brother to Hakkai," Yuzuha said.

"Taka-chan is a total pain in my ass. He drilled into me how cool and uncool delinquents can be. Annoying, right? That guy... he's like a real older brother to me."

He put emphasis on real. It made Y/N wonder what he meant by that. Did he already have an older brother?

"He likes Mitsuya way too much," Yuzuha huffed, pulling out both of their phones, "Check out his cell phone."

"Yuzuha! When'd you get that?!"

"Mitsuya's on his standby screen..." She showed his phone, which had a photo of Mitsuya's side profile. She then showed her phone, which had a side profile of Hakki. "... even though mine is a picture of Hakkai!"

They continued walking for a little bit until Hakkai broke the silence.

"We're almost to my house!"

Suddenly, Y/N heard the sound of motorcycles. Baji immediately held a hand out in front of her, not wanting to risk anything.

"Hakkai... We're in trouble..." Yuzuha uttered. They stopped upon spotting a gang of people. They had black uniforms with black designs on the back, two letters on them. 'BD.' "Bro's comin' back home..."

"Takemichi... Y/N... Baji... Sorry, guys. You'd better go on home," Hakki said.

"Well, well, well," said a voice from the gang. A tall boy walked to the front. He had wavy black hair fashioned in a death hawk style combed to the right, and the left side was trimmed and split in equal furrows. "If it isn't our young master, Hakkai!"


'Koko' looked aside from Hakkai and Yuzuha to the others. Takemichi stood in front of Hina protectively just as Baji did for

"Hmm?! Who the hell are these jerks?"

"I've seen them before," a member of the gang said, "The blondie's Hanagaki Takemichi, a part of Toman's second divison, and the one with the black hair is Baji Keisuke, Toman's first division captain. That taller girl is L/N Y/N also a member. Probably Mikey's girlfriend or somethin'."

"There's Toman fuckers on our turf?! You tryin' to fuck with us?!" The whole gang started approaching them, hard looks on their faces, "You're not leaving our turf in one piece, assholes."

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