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Y/N managed to get out of Takemichi's tight grip and quickly left. To get to her home, she had to pass by the park, but when she came close to it, she saw a group of three guys picking on a younger boy.

She wasn't the type to get involved in that kind of stuff, so she was going to turn a blind eye, no matter how much guilt she felt. That was until she noticed that the younger boy looked familiar. With short black hair and matching eyes, she recognized that boy as Tachibana Naoto - Hina's little brother.

Y/N let out a quiet, exasperated groan. What if Naoto told Hina that she just walked off without even offering to help? Hina might unfriend her, and she's one of her only friends. So, against her better judgment, Y/N walked over to the boys.

"H-Hey...!" she called out.

The boys turned their attention to her, and she quickly regretted her decision to help. The bullies smiled at her in a predatory manner. It reminded her so much of those boys she met when she was younger, and it made her wish that she had the scary dog privileges of those boys who helped her. But that's all in the past, and she was in the present.

"Listen here...! That's my best friend's brother you're messing with...! And if you don't leave him alone, then I'll...! I'll..." What would she do?

The boys just laughed, finding her false threat amusing. Before they could get any closer to her, however, she grabbed Naoto's wrist and ran off to her house. With all of the times that she ran away from her problems when she was younger, Y/N was quick on her feet, so it didn't take long for her to make it home.

She pushed Naoto inside and quickly followed in after him, slamming and locking the door shut behind her. She caught her breath as she ran her hand through her hair (ignore if your hair type doesn't allow that), thinking.

"Well, I can't take you home now... Those boys might be looking for us..." she murmured, more to herself than Naoto, "I'll text Hina and tell her that you're staying at my place. You know where the guest bedroom is, right? There's food in the fridge if you're hungry."

Y/N and Naoto were never that close, but she knew that she had to take care of him for Hina, so she had to put away her timid demeanor for the time being. Naoto, on the other hand, though they weren't that close, he always admired Y/N. He thought it unfair that his older sister got to spend pretty much every day with her while he had to watch from the sidelines. But he was thirteen, and she was fifteen, and he only went up to her neck. She probably wanted a guy who was older and taller.

He sighed, feeling hopelessly in love as he watched her walk down the hallway. A little search of her home wouldn't hurt, right? She would mind if he... borrowed a few things, right?

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now