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        The day after Naoto's visit,
Y/N realized that something in her house went missing. One of her lip glosses was gone. She had plenty more, but it was still pretty suspicious... But then again, Naoto wasn't the type to steal, as she just assumed that she lost it and that it would come up some time later.

Three days passed by, and Y/N was currently walking from school to cram school. She didn't like cram school because of the extra work, but her mother insisted. She already had enough work on her hands with being the president of the newspaper club, not to mention all of the school work that she had in general. They were extra hard on her because she went to a private school. Well, it wasn't technically private because it was all-girls, but it was still sorta on the same level.

As she walked her usual route to meet up with Hina, she heard shouting from nearby. She contemplated on whether or not to go, but her curiosity got the best of her, so she decided to go take a quick peek.

When she got there, she gasped, the color draining from her face. Numerous boys were in stands, cheering on a fight. Usually, she would just turn away, but she couldn't... because Takemichi was participating in the fight, and he was getting the beating of the century by a boy who seemed a bit younger than Y/N.

She gripped onto her uniform skirt, multiple thoughts running through her head. Should she help him? Should she walk away? But what if that boy killed him?!

Her actions spoke for her. Y/N knew that it was stupid and would probably get her into trouble, but she couldn't just stand there and watch Takemichi get hurt like that. That boy was strong, so with the right blow, Takemichi could actually die.

She ran down the stands, shouting 'sorry's and 'excuse me's as he bumped into people. When she made it to the ring, Y/N stepped between the boy and Takemichi, holding her arms out. Everyone was quiet as they looked at her in shock.

"Oi, oi! What're you doing here, little girl? Shouldn't you he paintin' your nails or somethin'?" the older guy rhetorically asked, causing everyone around to let out hearty chuckles.

"I... I won't let you kill Takemichi!" she claimed, though her shaky body made it obvious that she was nervous.

The boy stepped closer to her and got into her face. He was really intimidating and tall for a fourteen-year-old.

"Fuck off before you break your nail."

Y/N wiped her sweaty palm on her skirt before doing something that she didn't know she had in her. She slapped the boy in the face. Hard.

The boy looked at you, seething with rage. He spit a bit of blood on the floor before standing tall, glaring down at you.

"Get me my bat."

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A/N: Sorry that these chapters are really short 😕

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now