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Broken Promise

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        It was early in the morning, and Y/N was on her way to Mikey's house like he requested. He wanted to see her at least once every day to make sure she was okay. He was especially protective now that Tenjiku was in Tokyo. They attacked numerous members of Toman, declaring war between the gangs.

As she walked, she passed by an alley. She didn't think anything of it until a slender hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her into it. She would've screamed if it weren't for a second hand covering her mouth.

"Don't scream... You'll only make it harder for all three of us," said a familiar voice.

Y/N looked to see who was talking, and she saw one of the Haitani brothers - the one with the blonde and blue hair. She glanced up and saw that the one holding her was the one with the braided hair.

After making sure she wouldn't scream, the older brother let go of her and took a small step back.

"It's been so long! We haven't seen you since Valhalla vs Toman!" he grinned. Y/N didn't reply, instead looking at the ground. "Ah, come on! Don't tell me you forgot about us!"

"Well, duh. We only saw each other once when we were little. It's common sense that she wouldn't know us," the younger said, "I'm Rindou, and this is my older brother, Ran."

"Pleasure to see you again! It's nice to see that you're still so shy~"

Y/N had many questions.

"... How do you know me...?" she asked hesitantly.

Rindou didn't say anything while Ran smirked and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Well, let me give you a refresher!"

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August 2003

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        A thirteen-year-old Y/N was sitting on a swing, looking up at the sky as the sun slowly set. She was on vacation in Roppongi with her mother. Her mom really wanted to go alone, but Y/N was too old for a babysitter, and she didn't want to leave her home alone while she was so far away, so she figured that Y/N would be okay as long as she stayed near the hotel they were staying at.

Y/N suddenly heard a loud crashing sound from her right. Her eyes darted over, and she spotted two boys stalking closer to her. They weren't targeting her, though. They were following a boy on the ground who was trying to scoot away from them. The boy was covered in blood...

She watched in horror as the two boys started beating the boy within an inch of his life. When they stood up, their faces and hands covered in blood, they glanced over at her.

She quickly looked away, standing up from the seat and made a beeline towards her hotel. But not before the two boys got a good look at her face. The older boy grinned playfully, watching as she left.

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin', little bro?" he asked.

"Hell yeah," the younger replied, grinning as well.

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January 23, 2006

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        Y/N looked at them dumbfounded as Ran finished telling her how they met. She still didn't understand... Why were they so interested in her if they didn't even talk to each other? Then again, something similar happened when she and Mikey first met, and the two of them were dating, so she really couldn't use that against them.

"That's not the point, though. The boss wants want to see ya," Rindou said, starting to walk off.

"Hey, don't leave us behind!" Ran whined, grabbing Y/N's wrist and pulling her along.

Y/N couldn't break out of his strong grip, so all she could do was let him drag her to Yokohama and inside some warehouse.

"Ah, you're finally here!"

Y/N looked up upon hearing that familiar voice.

"Izana-kun...!" she gasped, watching as the tanned boy walked up to them with a grin on his face.

"Y/N-chan!" he mused, looking at her with a loving gaze. He held his arms out for a hug. "Did you miss me?"

As soon as Ran let go of her, Y/N ran over to Izana and embraced him.

"Yes, yes I did! Ever since you left for boarding school, I was so lonely! I only had one other friend until I met Mikey!"

Izana's smile faltered slightly at the mention of Mikey. And when she said boarding school... What a sweet thing... He actually went to an orphanage, but she didn't need to know that.

"I missed you too," he hummed, swaying around a little as he hugged her.

Rindou watched in disgust while the corners of Ran's lips tugged down. They walked out of the warehouse, filled with a twinge of jealousy while Izana had the time of his life.

"Hmm... Why did you come visit Mikey and I? And what did you mean by 'See you soon'?"

"That's none of your concern,
Y/N-chan... Just a matter that Mikey and I need to have settled... Besides that, do you remember our promise that we made as children?"

"Huh? What promise?"

"That we'd get married, silly!"

"O-Oh...! Um..."

"... You're dating Mikey, aren't you?"

Izana's eyes suddenly went blank, looking at her with a gaze that would rival Mikey's.

"I... I'm sorry, Izana-kun... But we were kids back then, and I'm not even an adult yet...!"

"But... you promised."


Izana suddenly smiled again, though it was a bit unnerving.

"It's okay, Y/N-chan! It's not your fault! I just need to show Mikey that I found you first!"

"Wha...? What's that supposed to mean?"



"You should go now, Y/N-chan! I'm sure you're very busy with high school and stuff! Go on, now!"

Izana shooed her away, leaving her to be escorted back to Shibuya by the Haitani brothers. Y/N still couldn't get what Izana said out of her head, though... What exactly did he mean by that?"

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A/N: Izana's going to be delusional af

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