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Moebius VS Toman

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Mikey got off of his motorcycle and looked around, his hands in his pockets.

"I get it now," he said, "I got called out somewhere else so Ken-chin could get attacked. Then it'd be my fault that Toman would get split in two... right?"

"I'm just doing it for Pah-chin!" Peh-yan yelled, his head down.

"This isn't your style! Who tempted you into this?"

There were a few moments of quiet where nobody said anything. Y/N clutched onto her bear nervously, waiting for something to happen, for someone to start the inevitable fight. The silence was broken by a voice that was unfamiliar to her.

"Wow. What a surprise. Mikey isn't just all brawn. How dull."

Within Moebius, a tall, lanky guy with black and yellow hair walked out, shielded from the rain by an umbrella that a Moebius member was holding over him. He was holding a cigarette between his fingers, and on his hands were tattoos of kanji characters, each one of different hands: 'Sin' and 'Punishment.'

"... And you are?" Mikey asked, unphazed.

"Doesn't matter who I am. But I'm in charge of Moebius. For the moment, at least. Name's Hanma."

The two stood in front of each other, the height difference between them prominent.

"So you're the nasty creeplord behind all this?"

"You're such a pain in the ass, Mikey-cha-" Before Hanma could finish, Mikey raised his leg and kicked him. "-n!"

To everyone's surprise, including Mikey's, Hanma blocked his attack with his arm, something that nobody's ever done up until this moment.

"He blocked Mikey's kick?!" Takashi gasped.

"Don't act hasty, Mikey," Hanma teased, wincing slightly at the mark that was left on his wrist, "My mission is to destroy Toman. Best way to do that is to make you fight amongst yourselves. But I think this works out. With these hands, I'm gonna take on the 'Invincible Mikey...'" He paused, building up suspense. "... And tear you apart! Moebius's entire gang, one hundred people! Versus four guys and a girl from Toman!" He turned his attention to Moebius. "Don't wuss out like you did last time, idiots! I'm not soft like Osanai was."

"Yes, sir!" they shouted in unison.

"I'm not soft like Osanai was. If you run away, I'll hunt you down and beat you 'til all your teeth are gone!

"Yes, sir!"

Hanma turned back to the few members of Toman.

"Take on Mikey and Draken... and kill 'em both~ And as for the girl... don't harm her... He wants her untouched."

Y/N shuttered at the statement. Who was... he...? And why did he want her of all people...? Mikey, Draken, and Mitsuya only seemed to get angry at what Hanma had said. They saw it as a threat over not only their authority, but also their love. At that moment, the sound of numerous motorcycles came closer.

"Phew! Just in time," Takashi sighed, smirking in a way that had a hint of sinisterness in it.

Just like that, all of Toman pulled up to the fight. Y/N could hear chatter within the members, but she didn't have the chance to listen in because Mikey pushed her to the side.

"Stay here. I don't want you to get hurt," he said, and this time, his eyes held a sense of sincerity. He pressed his lips against her forehead, leaving her momentary stunned as he walked away. He chuckled, and as soon as he did, Toman charged. "Let's do thiiis!"

"Kill 'em all!" Hanma yelled, causing Moebius to charge as well.

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A/N: IT'S 2024 ALREADY?! 😃😄😃

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