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        As Y/N looked down at Emma's body on the hospital bed, tears ran down her cheeks. She looked so peaceful... She couldn't believe that she was dead now... and she couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault... She managed to save Baji from being stabbed to death, so why couldn't she save Emma from a drive-by?

"Emma..." she uttered, her voice cracking. She leaned down and pressed a kiss against her cold cheek. "I'm so sorry..."

She broke into a sob, turning to walk out of the room. When she did, she fell into a pair of big arms. Draken's arms... He looked down at Emma with wide eyes before looking back at Y/N, his eyes softening.

"Y/N... What happened...?" he asked.

"I... I'm so sorry...! It's all my fault! I couldn't save her!"

"No, nothing's your fault..."

Draken soothed her by stroking her hair, allowing him to cry into his chest. He couldn't help but feel bad. Sure, Emma was an obstacle and sometimes wished that she would just disappear, but he didn't mean that he wanted her to die. He just wanted her out of the picture. At least she was one rival down... that was the only way he could think of it.

Y/N's tears dried as she pulled away from Draken.

"I feel better now..." she said through sniffles, "Thank you..."

Draken nodded, allowing her to walk out of the room. When she did, she looked to her side and saw Mikey sitting on a bench. He was leaning his shoulder against the wall, looking at the floor blankly. If she cried so much, she couldn't bear to think what was going through his head.

Emma liked Y/N... Mikey always knew that, and he hated her for it. But still... she was his little sister... his only sister... He lost so many people, and he couldn't bear to see her go either... But now she was dead.

He slowly looked up to meet Y/N's gaze.

"Y/N... Come here..." he said, his voice monotone.

Y/N hesitantly walked closer to him, worried that he might yell at her for not doing something. He didn't do that, though. Instead, he pulled her into his arms, tears slowly dropping from his eyes to her shirt.

"Please... Don't leave me... You're the only one I have left..." he said through choked-back sobs, "I need you... Please... Please, please, please, please, please..."

She thought her eyes were dry, but Y/N was proven wrong when they welled up with tears once more. She sat next to him, embracing him as well, and they cried with one another.

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A/N: I think this is my first time writing an angst-ish chapter (I probably did a few in my Dangnronpa series, but I don't remember). Did I do good?

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