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The days passed after the sleepover, and as they did, Y/N was only getting more and more anxious. The fight between Valhalla and Toman was just around the corner, and she hadn't made any progress with getting Baji back.

The day before the battle, she was walking down the street when she happened to glance up. There, she saw... Baji... Her fists involuntarily clenched. She thought about approaching him, but he looked so... intimidating... and everyone knew that she wasn't the best around people she didn't know. But... she made a promise, and she was determined to keep it. So she swallowed her fear and walked up to him.

"Hah? Oh, it's you, Mikey's little girlfriend," he chuckled, showing off his prominent canines, "What do you want?"

Y/N's face flushed (ignore if you have darker skin) but quickly pushed the thought of her and Mikey dating away.

"I'm here to talk to you..." She took a small step closer to him, causing him to narrow his sharp bronze eyes at her. It reminded her of... a cat... "Mikey... He doesn't want to fight you. He really loves you, and he hates the idea of you turning against him. He wants you to come back to him. Won't you do that for him? The two of you are childhood friends, aren't you?"

He paused, his eyes softening ever so slightly as he looked in her E/C eyes. They were so... soft... Almost pleading... His gaze hardened once more, turning away from her as his heated up ever so slightly.

"I don't give a fuck what Mikey thinks. He's my enemy, and I'm going to kill him tomorrow," he said coldly.

Y/N saw that there was no reasoning with him, so she sighed and turned away.

"Mikey really does love you, y'know...? Just... please think about that..."

With that, Y/N left, not noticing how flustered Baji had become from that one simple interaction.

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A/N: The timelines are confusing me, so don't be surprised if you see altercations in past chapters involving present-day Mikey and Kisaki.

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now