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Y/N started stirring awake at the sound of the soft beeping of a heart monitor. She groaned quietly, her vision blurred a little and a stinging pain in her abdomen.

'Wha... What happened...?'

As her memories became clearer, Y/N remembered everything. She took a stab wound for Baji, and now she was in the hospital. She tried to sit up, but someone held her down. She hummed and glanced to the side, where she saw Baji.

"You shouldn't sit up. Your wound isn't fully healed," he said. There was a glint in his eyes. A glint of overwhelming guilt. "... Why did you do that...?"

It took a moment for her to realize what Baji was asking, but when she did, Y/N answered with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Mikey... He really loves you... I can't imagine what it would he like to lose a best friend... and considering that we haven't known each other for that long, and because I made him a promise, I couldn't risk you dying..."

Baji's grip on your wrist tightened ever so slightly. Y/N could see tears forming in his eyes, which was a surprise considering how tough he looked. But... even the toughest of people cry. So she let him cry into her arms, releasing all of his pent-up emotions and guilt.

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When Y/N was clear to leave the hospital, someone was outside waiting for her. It wasn't her mom, and it wasn't Mikey. It was Baji. He said that he still felt guilty, so he wanted to make it up to her as much as she could.

His idea of 'making it up to her' was going to a pet store and buying cat food. Y/N didn't understand what he was doing until he brought her to his house.

They were greeted by Baji's mom, Ryoko. Baji obviously got a lot of his traits from her - his canines and long, luxurious black hair. Baji said that she was strict, so Y/N was pleasantly surprised when Ryoko spoke to her in a very sweet and sugary tone. Before they could have a proper conversation, however, Baji quickly pulled her to his room and locked the door behind them.

"Huh? What's going on...?" Y/N asked, feeling a bit nervous.

Sensing her fear, he immediately backed off.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya. I promise, this isn't like... that. I just wanna show you somethin', and I don't want my mom to see. If she does, I'll be dead meat," he chuckled, holding his hands up.

He set the bag containing the cat food on the floor and peeked under his bed. Y/N bent down to see what he was looking at, and to her surprise, she saw a black cat laying there surrounded by four tiny kittens. Baji reached out to the cat, who purred and rubbed against his hand.

"This is Saki. I found her on the streets and took her in," Baji explained, gently scratching behind her ear, "She was pregnant, so I couldn't just leave her there." Baji grabbed one of the cans of cat food and held it out to Y/N. "If you want, you can help me feed her. I know this isn't exactly making it up to you, but I have to feed her. We can go somewhere else as soon as-"

Y/N took the can of cat food away from Baji and opened it, holding it out for Saki. Saki's large yellow eyes inspected her for a moment, investigating to see if she was safe. Deeming her trustworthy, Saki ate the cat food. Y/N cooed to her lovingly, scratching on the spot behind her ear that Baji was just scratching.

Speaking of Baji, he was looking at Y/N with complete and utter admiration. He didn't know why... Could it be the way she carried herself? The way she was so kind? The way she was good with cats? Either way, he couldn't help but adore her...

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now