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        Y/N tried calling out to Hakkai, banging on the door desperately, but nothing seemed to work. So she was stuck sitting on the bed, waiting for someone to open the door from the outside.

She looked at the ceiling boredly, wondering why Hakkai didn't help her when the door opened. She immediately shot up to see who it was.

"Yuzuha!" Y/N gasped, quickly standing up and running over to her.

Yuzuha didn't say anything and let Y/N hug her. Her eyes softened as she looked at her.

"Y/N... I'm so sorry this happened to you..." she uttered, finally hugging her back, "Taiju... He's horrible... I can't believe he's doing this... I want to help you, I really do! But I can't... only Hakkai and Taiju are allowed to leave with you... If I try to pull something like that... I'm afraid Taiju might actually kill me..."

"Oh, Yuzuha... It's not your fault! Besides, Hakkai will get me out of here! Right...?"

Yuzuha looked at Y/N with a gaze that showed what she felt for her. Pity.

"Oh, Y/N... I'm so sorry..."

Y/N didn't understand. The Shiba siblings were so vague, and they wouldn't answer her questions. Would Hakkai let her out? She hoped so...

"I thought you'd like some company. Hakkai and Taiju are both busy, but I'm sure you'd rather have the company of a girl, anyway," Yuzuha said, moving so that they were now sitting on the bed.

"Um... Yeah," Y/N murmured.

The two of them sat there together, talking about random things that came to mind. They talked about their interests until eventually, Y/N grew tired and fell asleep on Yuzuha's lap.

Yuzuha gently stroked Y/N's hair, looking at her with sad eyes. She liked her, and she knew that Hakkai liked her as well. Unfortunately, Taiju liked her, too. He thought that she was a good match for his little brother considering how much he seemed to like her, even if they only met that day. Yuzuha secretly shipped the two, but she didn't think this was how they would start dating. Well... there was no going back now. Besides, she always wanted a sister.

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A/N: I had no idea what to do for this chapter nor do I have any idea what I'm going to do for the next one 💀

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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓽𝔂Where stories live. Discover now