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January 22, 2006

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It had been nearly a month since Y/N and Mikey started dating, and Mikey was absolutely ecstatic. Not only had he made things official with his beloved, but he could also rub in the others' faces, and they couldn't do anything about it, because he was the 'Invincible Mikey.'

The couple sat on a railing overlooking the sea and factories. Mikey. They both had some taiyaki. Y/N was snacking on hers as she watched Mikey play with his.

"... Are you running away to sea, too?" he asked the fish cake, "'Yes. Blob... Blob, blob'..."

"Hey," said an unfamiliar voice. The duo glanced at their side and saw a boy sitting a few feet away from them. He had white hair and tanned skin. "How did that end again?"

Mikey narrowed his eyes at the boy slightly, bringing Y/N closer to him in a protective manner.

"Who knows? I forgot. Who are you?"

The boy stood up and slid off of the railing, looking back at him with wide purple eyes, his Hanafuda earrings swinging slightly.

"I'm Kurokawa Izana." Y/N gasped, her eyes widening in recognition. Izana noticed, but didn't say anything, instead glancing back at Mikey's bike. "Nice motorcyle..." Mikey did say anything in reply, just looking at him suspiciously. He chuckled and started to walk off. "See you soon."

Mikey watched him in confusion, wondering who that boy was. Izana grinned darkly, satisfied that his plan was in motion. And Y/N... she was dumbfounded. She recognized Izana... But... why was he in Shibuya? Didn't he go to a boarding school?

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December 1995

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"Izana-kun!" a five-year-old

Y/N squealed, running through the snow to hug the older boy.

A seven-year-old Izana allowed her to run into his arms, laughing as he did.

"Y/N-chan!" he exclaimed, embracing her tightly.

The two of them met when Y/N was a toddler and she got separated from her mother. Even at such a young age, he could feel a connection towards her. They played in the snow together until Y/N's mother eventually found her and brought her back home, but not before setting up a play date with Izana's mother. The two were inseparable ever since.

Izana smiled sadly, pulling away from Y/N as he looked down at her. Those big E/C eyes... That innocent look in them... It made him want to protect her forever and ever!

"Y/N-chan... I have something to tell you," he said, glancing down at the blanket of snow at their feet.

"Huh? What's is it, Izana-kun?" Y/N asked, tilting her head.

"I... I have to go away to school."

"I'll come with you!"

"No, you can't... I'll be far, far away, and I won't be able to visit you..." Y/N's undeveloped brain couldn't understand why she couldn't be with Izana, why he was leaving. Her eyes welled up with tears, and Izana could bear to see those pretty eyes so wet. "Don't be sad! Let's make a promise!" He held out his pinky. "When I come back, I'll be all grown up! When I see you again, let's get married! Promise?"

Y/N's shaky hand reached up, and her small pinky linked with his own.

"P... Promise..."

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A/N: I just realized that since the flashback was when Izana still lived with Emma, Emma and Y/N would probably meet a few times, but I don't feel like changing the chapters, so we're just gonna say that they met once or twice but never got to know each other.

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