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The day after finding out about Brahman, Takemichi said that he wanted to go to Harajuku with Y/N. She was confused as to why he suddenly wanted to go there, but she didn't question it.

The two were in a crowd, Y/N standing close to Takemichi. She never liked large crowds; they made her nervous. Takemichi looked at her, his face tinted red at their proximity.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Hanagaki! Oh, and you brought
L/N, too! Perfect!" Y/N hummed, glancing to see who was talking to them. It was... Senju? She was out of her baggy Brahman uniform and was now wearing a sailor school uniform, "Let's go."

Y/N looked between Senju and Takemichi, coming to the conclusion that the reason she was there was because Senju requested her to.

"You and I are going shopping,
L/N-chan," she said, "And you're going to carry our shopping bags, okay, Hanagaki-kun?"

Takemichi just looked at her with wide, confused eyes.

"That's Senju," Y/N explained, "She's a girl."

That seemed to make him even more confused. She couldn't really pay him any mind since Senju grabbed her wrist and pulled her along, seeming to not care much about Takemichi at the moment.

And she didn't. Senju was glad that Takemichi was in Brahman, yes, but who she was really interested in was Y/N. Those two years ago, when she heard that she and Mikey were dating, she instantly became intrigued by her. Now that the two were broken up, she was free to have her to herself!

So, the three of them went on a shopping spree. Well... It was more like Y/N and Senju went shopping, and Takemichi was forced to carry their shopping bags.

During that time, Y/N learned that Senju and Takeomi were brother and sister and that her real name was Akashi Senju. She also had another brother named Haruchiyo Sanzu who used to be in Toman but was now in the Kanto Manji Gang.

At the end of their shopping, they went outside to a vending machine to get some ice cream. As Y/N ate hers, the gazes of both Senju and Takemichi were on her. Both of their faces were red as they watched her enjoy the F/I/C/F (Favorite Ice Cream Flavor) ice cream stick. When she finished it and looked at the two, they quickly turned their gazes away to something else.

Senju noticed how Takemichi looked at her, and she couldn't help but feel jealous. Why was he starting to like her all of a sudden? Meanwhile, Takemichi didn't know why he was starting to feel this way about Y/N. He still liked Hina, even after they broke up those two years ago... So why did butterflies flutter in his stomach when he looked into Y/N beautiful E/C eyes?

When they finished up, Senju went on her way, but not before throwing her trash over to Takemichi. When he caught it, his eyes went wide. He stood there shakily for a few moments, as if in a trance, before snapping out of it.

"Is something wrong, Takemichi?" Y/N asked, glancing over at him.

"Huh...? Oh, nothing... It's nothing..." he murmured, throwing away Senju's trash.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll see you later."

With that, Y/N left Harajuku, Takemichi watching her intently.

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A/N: I wrote this in school. Also, I'm probably going to add Takemichi back to the yandere list

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