Louis Tomlinson signs new record deal with BMG
The former One Direction member previously released his solo work under Sony Music, but following the success of his debut Album 'Walls' Tomlinson has now signed to BMG Rights for his future releases.
His label confirmed the news to Rolling Stone, yesterday (June 22.), though neither BMG nor Louis Tomlinson have officially announced the signing yet.
Speaking to RadioOne last week, Tomlinson confirmed that he is indeed working on new material.
"I'm currently working on new stuff, it's all very early and we will see what comes out if it in the end. But at these early stages, I'm really just exited about the way things play out at them moment."
Sealing the deal with BMG, Tomlinson is the last out of the One Direction boys leaving Sony Music behind.
- Concert (58/58) Los Angeles
"Hollywood Bowl" -"I like it. It's short, clean, a fresh start like you wanted it to be. Also releasing the news on his last day of the tour, using the aftermath of the tour promo to keep the fans exited. Well played."
Mark schmunzelte als ich ihm sein Handy zurückgab. "It seems to me that I'm not the only one of us playing games. Tell me for how long did you know that Harry Styles made the call?"
Ich konnte ein Grinsen nicht unterdrücken, Mark musterte mich mit hochgezogener Augenbraue von der Seite. Man konnte förmlich die Zahnräder in seinem Kopf rattern sehen, als ich ihm eine Antwort schuldig blieb. Den Blick wieder nach vorne richtend, betrachtete ich Louis auf der Bühne. In einem simplen Tanktop und Jogginghose besprach er die letzten Einzelheiten mit Jack. Es war warm in LA und die Sonne heizte schon jetzt die Plastiksitze in den Rängen auf.
"Isn't it convenient that none of them are signed to Sony as an individual artist any longer. They will have the upper hand in the negotiations now. If Sony doesn't play by their rules they simply won't comeback. A price, we both know is one to high to pay for Sony." Noch immer ließ er mich nicht aus den Augen.
"Indeed it is." Stimmte ich ihm schmunzelnd zu.
"A copy of Louis new contract with BMG was still laying on my desk yesterday, a single note attached to it. Paragraph 6.4 -A two year suspension clause in case of mental or physical health problems, family emergencies and other similar occurrences. It reads well in case the contract is ever published. Especially with Louis past regarding questionable contracts. At least that's how you sold it to BMG. And yet those lines are unusually broadly worded if you read them closely. I can't stop and wonder if the others have something similar in their contracts." Es war keine Frage von ihm, uns beiden war klar ich hatte die Kopie des Vertrages am Ende der Unterzeichnungen nicht ausversehen liegen lassen.
"You know Louis once told me, we all are just puppets on strings in Harrys game. I don't longer believe it's Harrys game." Mich vom Stuhl erhebend griff ich nach der Rolle Klebeband. Die Kabel auf den Laufwegen mussten noch am Boden feste geklebt werden. Einige Dinge änderten sich wohl nie.
"No, this was planned years ago." Pflichtete mir Mark bei und erhob sich ebenfalls.
"It's nothing more than a loophole. I'm still not sure if all of them will be brave enough to have this talk. To leave so many broken promises, hurt and jealousy behind. But if the time ever comes, Louis won't be held back by a solo contract. Not again." Eine Weile spürte ich Marks Blick auf mir ruhen, bevor er den Blick erneut auf die Bühne richtete.
Der IPod mit Harrys Album wog schwer in meiner Hosentasche. Fine Line war gut, würde Harrys Karriere im Verlauf der nächsten Monate ohne Frage in ungeahnte Höhen katapultieren. Und Louis schien endlich das richtige Label an seiner Seite zu haben um seinen eigenen Stil zu finden. Nein, ein Comeback schien weiter entfernt als je zuvor.
Care for you. |H.S.|
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