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Absolute Stille breitete sich in dem kleinen Raum aus. Das Blut in meinen Ohren rauschte während ich verzweifelt auf eine Reaktion von Louis wartete. "What?" Es war nicht mehr als ein hauchen, das seine Lippen verließ. "You..." Ich schluckte. Es war raus, ich hatte es einfach so gesagt. "Your old school friend Harry or your uncle Harry, right?" Flehte er mich fast schon an, nicht das auszusprechen was wir beide bereits wussten. "Louis please let me explain, I promise it isn't like it may looks right now." Bemüht um einen ruhigen Tonfall, machte ich einen Schritt auf ihn zu. Doch als hätte ich ihn geschlagen, wich er vor mir zurück.

"Louis please, just a second..." Flehte ich ihn an mir zuzuhören. Ungläubig schüttelte er den Kopf, ich war mir noch nicht mal sicher ob er mich gehört hatte.

"Louis please listen. That night in London when you came into my hotel room. You asked me if I'm a fan and I told you I'm not. That I met him when he had his concert in Hamburg. That wasn't a lie. I wasn't even supposed to work on that day but my colleague got ill and... never mind he had his tour stop in Hamburg and his crew did a horrible job. I don't know if you heard about the accident with the spotlights. If not, there were broken suspensions and the  spotlights came crashing down into the stage. One of the metal peace's hit me on my left arm." Fahrig zog ich mein Shirt hoch, damit er die Stelle sehen konnte, dankbar dafür das er mir endlich zuhörte.

"An ambulance took me to the hospital and I got stitched up. But all of my clothes were still back at the arena, so I went back there to collect them. Harry apologised for the accident, gave me that damn tour sweatshirt and got me a driver to drive me back to my place. He also offered to pay for everything involved with the accident but I declined. The point is, five weeks later I got a letter with a concert ticket for his last Europe show in Cologne. And I was like, why not and went there. He invited me to his hotel room and we had a chat nothing more nothing less. I went home the next day and never heard from him again. That's until 3 month later your management send me the job offer for the job as your Tourmanager and I knew there was only one person who could be the reason for it. I contacted him over Twitter and asked him what this is all about. And he told me that he heard from a friend that you were still searching for a Tourmanager..." Louis schnaubte verächtlich und drehte sich von mir weg. Kurz hatte ich Angst er würde mich einfach stehen lassen.

"...he told me how much work you put into this, how much you went through to get to this point. Louis he really sounded like he cares for you..."

Ich schluckte als er sich augenverdrehend wieder mir zuwandte.

"...I signed the contract and I never planned to keep this a secret because honestly for me it meant nothing. Yes he got me this job and that was it. But more and more people told me how much you hate him, your reaction when I put on that sweatshirt, so many side comments from you. I got scarred to loose all of this. I know it was selfish and wrong..."

"If that would have been all, why is he calling you Emily? Why is he still contacting you?" Ich schluckte bei Louis lauten Tonfall, er hatte einen Schritt auf mich zu gemacht, wedelte heftig mit den Händen als bräuchte er ein Ventil für die Wut die in Funken aus seinen Augen zu sprühen schien.

"I don't know, Louis! I don't know! He left messages on my mailbox. Massages I left unanswered until he left another. I told him to stop contacting me, because it doesn't felt right towards you."

"You really think I'll believe this shit?"

"Louis I promise I told him to stop contacting me. You've read the fucking message a few minutes ago I deleted my twitter account, blocked him on Instagram...." Verzweifelt griff ich nach meinem Handy und wedelte damit in der Luft rum, als würde das irgendetwas beweisen.

Care for you. |H.S.|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt