Chapter 3

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I was in my room getting ready. At the same, trying to calm my nervousness.

I was nervous. Very nervous.

I was two seconds away from having an anxiety attack.

What are we going to talk about? Will he like me?
Not that I care, I just want to know. He is so older than me. Doesn't he like older woman. Why did he agree to marry me? Why did he invite me?

I curled my hair then did my makeup. Miranda helped me choose my outfit. Then she left so I can finish getting ready.
I finished my makeup then got dressed. I put my shoes on then took my purse. Just then, Miranda walked in the room.

"Oh my god. You look gorgeous. You look just like your mom. You look beautiful". She said hugging me.
"You look absolutely stunning".

"Thanks mom". I said pulling away. She smiled brightly. Like she always does everytime I call her that.

"He's here. I just came to get you". She said walking toward the door while I just stood there being nervous again.
Maybe I can say I'm suddenly feeling sick. Or I can pretend to be fainting.

"Come on. Don't be nervous". She said taking my hand.
She held my hand into a reassuring grip and walked out of the room and toward the stairs.

"Don't forget to just be yourself". She said quietly. "He will have to like you just the way you are, or he can f*ck off". She said and I chuckled.


We walked into the livingroom to find my dad and Lucca waiting. He was wearing a black suit with a black shirt but with no tie.
Oh god! He looks so handsome.
I quickly looked at his face before he notice that I was checking him out. I looked at him to also notice that he was looking at my outfit, more like checking me out. I don't know why I smile at the thought.

"Sarah you look beautiful". My dad said. I smiled at him.
"Lucca, she's all yours. Bring her back by eleven. I have some work to do but I will see you tomorrow for the meeting". He said shaking Lucca's hand. Lucca just nodded than looked at me.
He started walking toward me.

"Shall we go?" He said.

I just nodded then turned around to leave. While walking he put his hand on my lower back then opened the front door. There was a car with a driver waiting for us.
We silently made out way down the steps and toward the car.
He opened the door for me then got in himself. I mumbled a small thank you.

The drive was silent and wasn't uncomfortable until he spoke.

"You look gorgeous, by the way". He said looking at me.

"Thank you". I smiled at him. But I was dying to ask him why he invited me.
Was he really interested into marrying me? Or was he getting something out of this?

The car ride was silent. I was so deep in my thought that I didn't notice when the car stopped.

"We're here". His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

We got out of the car and I looked at the place. It was a really nice restaurant.
I once came here with dad, Miranda and Sandra.

"Good evening, Mr Lombardi". A man said. "Ma'am". He nodded politely at me.
"I will take you to your table". He said as we followed him.

He walked us to our table before telling us to have a good night.
We sat at our table and a waiter came to take our drinks, then we ordered. Then we just sat there as I could feel his gaze on me. My hands started shaking again.

Can't he stop doing that? I cleared my throat.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.
He nodded still looking at me. "Why did you invite me?" I asked seriously.

But then a smirk appeared on his face. I was being serious and he was finding this amusing.

"I would just like to know more about my future wife". He said casually.
"Is it wrong?" He then ask raising an eyebrow still smirking.

"No. I... I just didn't think you were up for this marriage". I said playing with my finger.

What is wrong with me? I am never this nervous with anyone.

"Well you are a really beautiful woman Sarah. And for the marriage, if I didn't want to marry you I wouldn't be here". He said.

Just then, the waiter came back with our food. He just put the plates on the table. He smiled at me in a polite way and I smiled back before turned my attention to Lucca to see him glaring at the waiter. The poor guy gulped lowering his gaze.
What is wrong with him?

"Do you need anything else?". The waiter asked politely looking at the both of us.

"Yes. Take your eyes off my woman before you loose them". He said coldly, his jaw clenched and his eyes not leaving the waiter.

"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again". He said lowering his gaze before leaving.

I looked at Lucca with a raised eyebrow as he started eating. I knew he could feel my gaze but he just ignored it.
What was that about? I just shook my head.

I then started eating while we were talking and getting to know each other. And Miranda was right. He was actually nice.

When we were done eating, the same waiter came back but didn't even look at us once. Lucca was also looking at him coldly. I was so confused.
What is he like this with this poor guy? He didn't do anything wrong.

Once we were done, it was already 10.
So we went out and got in the car. The driver started the car and slowly turned my gaze to Lucca.

"Why were you so mean to the waiter? I don't think he did anything wrong". I finally found the courage to ask him. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Like I said before you are a really beautiful woman sarah and I saw the way those men in the restaurant were staring at you and you didn't even notice it". He said getting closer to me as I shivered. "I hate it".
He got closer to my ear and whispered in his sexy voice. "But you're mine now and you should know that I hate sharing". Just then his phone started ringing. He took it out of his pocket then answered.

My brain was off again. Why the hell am I feeling this way toward him?

The car stopped and I noticed I was already home. Lucca was still on the phone so I decided to just get out and not interrupt him. The driver got out of the car and open my door.
I was about to get out when he suddenly grabbed my waist and pull me closer.
He then kissed the corner of my lips and whispered a "goodnight" before releasing me.

"G... Goodnight". I said before before quickly getting out of the car.

I was stunned but I managed to get out of the car and go to my house decently.

I got in my house and before I know it I was smiling like an idiot then went to my room with only him on my mind.

Forced marriage (Lombardi family book#1)Where stories live. Discover now