Chapter 14

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I woke up to see Lucca's side empty. I fought the urge to cry and got off bed wrapping the sheets around me. I went to the bathroom and stared at my reflection.

Seriously What was I expecting? I closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them I jumped as I saw Lucca leaning against the doorframe staring at me. I was shocked to see him here. I thought he was at work.

"Good morning". He said walking toward me. He grabbed my waist and pecked my lips. "You look surprised". He said amused.

What's so funny? Jerk.

"Good morning". I sighed trying to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let me.

"I want to have lunch with you. Come to my office later". He said making me look at him surprised.

"Why?". I asked.

"I want to spend time with my wife. Is that a bad thing?" He said kissing softly my naked shoulders and neck. I shook my head.
"Alright. See you at lunch then". He said pecking my lips and left.
I sighed and went to take a shower.

When it was lunch time. I grabbed my purse and phone and left.

I got in front of the building and Stan, the new driver, parked at the entrance. I smiled and thanked him and went inside. I went in and got a lot of stares and whispers. I sighed and kept walking. Behind the desk was a woman in her forties and one in her late twenties. I smiled at them.

"Oh, Mrs. Lombardi. It's a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Lombardi is waiting for you. It's on the top floor". She said smiling and I smiled making. I could feel the other woman's gaze on me so I looked at her to see her glaring at me. I ignored it and thanked the woman before leaving as the other one started whispering to her.

I got the top floor and I saw a young man smiling at me.

"Mrs. Lombardi. I'm Patrick, Lucca's assistant". He said smiling and shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you Patrick". I smiled too and He walked me to his office. He knocked and Patrick opened the door smiling. I smiled back and enter.

He nodded at Patrick to leave and he got up. Patrick left and closed the door behind. He walked toward me grabbed my waist crashing his lips on mine. He kissed me hungrily. I pulled away feeling out of breath.

"Come on". He said leading me to a table in front of the big glass wall.

We sat in silence as I looked at the view beneath us.

"I'm sorry". He said out of nowhere. I looked at him confused.
"I have been acting like a jerk to you". He said taking my hand in his.

"Doesn't matter". I sighed.

"It does". He said kissing my hand.
"There's an event this week end in London. You're gonna come with me. Then there's a surprise for me". He finished smiling at me.

I think this man is bipolar. What does his behaviour change like that?

I looked at him raising an eyebrow. "What surprise?". I asked as he laughed lowly.

"How to get your full attention". He smirked. "But it's a surprise. So you'll have to wait". He said pecking my lips.

He kept talking, trying to make me laugh and it was working as much as I fought it.
He is definitly bipolar. But right now I'm not complaining. As long as I have my husband's attention. I just hope he Will stay this way.

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