Chapter 15

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Sarah's POV

We are here since yesterday and I was currently getting ready for the gala. I finished my hair and makeup and put my dress on. Lucca walked in the room wearing a black tuxedo. He stopped and started eyeing for head to toe smiling.

"You look gorgeous". He said kissing my lips softly. "Let's go". He grabbed my waist and we left.

We got there and there was already a lot of people smiling and laughing.

"Hello sister". Someone said behind me. I gasped and turned around to find a smiling Sandra. She ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly.

"I missed you so much sister". I said my eyes watering.

"I missed you so much more". She said as I noticed Nick smiling at me and pulling me into a hug. I hugged back and He pulled away and shook Lucca's hand.

"Hey Man". He said and Sandra greeted him too.

We talked for a while then Sandra turned to Lucca.

"If you don't mind. I have something important to discuss with my sister So we will leave you two alone". She said talking my hand and Lucca nodded hesitantly and she pulled me away.

We walked toward the bar and sat down. She ordered and She just took an orange juice and I looked at her confused. Okay? Why no alcohol in her drink?

"I'm pregnant". She said out of nowhere as I almost spit my drink. Very smooth Sandra.

"Oh my god! I'm happy for you. Congratulations". I said pulling her into a tight hug as She laugh. "How did Nick react?". I said excited.

"He was very happy. I think He almost cried". She said making the both of us laugh.

"I am going to be an auntie". I said leaning back. She rolled her eyes.

"So how are things going with you?". She said and I shrugged. "Speak". She commanded and I told her everything.

"Well this Man is a mystery to the world". She said smiling at me. "What do you think the surprise is?". She said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea". I said. "But enough with me. You are going to be a mother and I fear for this child." I said and she pretended to be hurt.

"Fuck you". She said shaking her head.


We got back to our hôtel a couple of Hours later and immediatly started taking my dress and heels off. I heard Lucca laugh at me.

"Let me help you". He said and before I can protest he started unzipping my dress and kissed the back of neck and shoulder while taking my dress off slowly.

I realised what he was doing and walked away quickly and He chuckled at my reaction. Asshole. "We are leaving tomorrow". And I turned around raising an eyebrow.
"And I still won't tell you what the surprise is". He said pecking my lips. "You Will have to wait".

I pouted and glared at him as he just looked at me amused and took his shirt off while walking to the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower. Wanna join me?". He stopped and started walking toward me as I blushed hardly. I shook my head no.

He smirked and continued walking to me. "Wasn't really a question baby". He said and threw me over his shoulder and yelp and screaming for him to put me down as he made his way to the bathroom. He laughed at my embarassment. Oh please kill this man for me.


We were currently in Lucca's jet and I don't know where we're going. "What does It look like? Is It near the beach?". I asked.

He rolled his eyes.

"You ask too many question". He said lifting me up and put me on his laps as I look at him shocked then outside trying to hide my blush. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I laid my head on his chest. After a couple of minutes, He gave me his phone. I looked at him confused.

"Take a look". He said and I look at It to see pictures of the taj mahal and indian places. I looked at him confused and He just smirked raising an eyebrow. Realisation hit me as I gasp.

"Oh my god. No way". He looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yes way". He said as I screamed making him jump and look at me like I was crazy.

"We are going in India. Oh my god, Lucca. Thank you, thank you, thank you". I hugged him tightly and He hugged me back. "Oh my god!". I pulled away and looked at him. "Thank you". I said.

"Take It as a second honeymoon, or an apology for my behaviour toward you this past few weeks". He said looking into my eyes.

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